Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Taco Spot, Hollywood Beach, FL

So, this place sure is not in Los Angeles, CA.  This place is pretty cool.  Do I love it, no.  Will I go back, yeah, I will when I'm in the area.  It was good.  Not amazing but good.  It was good for white people's tacos.  There were three things that were really great, the service, the company I was with and the ambiance.  Yeah, we were sitting outside on chairs that are comfortable outdoor furniture.  Here is what we saw the whole time:
Yes, Mr Moon over the Atlantic Ocean.  This was taken by the beautiful Fo while we were sitting in our seats.  It really was comfortable.  The view really was nice.  The company was great.  Nikki P from NYC, Fo from Atlanta, Christian from DC, and Alisha from LA were stranded for extra days with me in Florida on this opening.  We shot out for dinner.  Long days, we were all hungry and we decided Tacoteering was the best way to go.  We were right.  Here is a picture of the great folks:
Yes, Christian has the creepy look in the pimping jacket, Fo has the winning smile, Nikki is trying to book a flight out and Alisha is texting someone, I guess.  What a great group.  Don't worry, Fo took a selfie of all of us, get excited for that one later.  More about the place.  I called to check it out, the people were so nice.  The waitress was most righteous.  Her name was Adriana.  She is a very nice young lady and did an amazing job.  I would love to work with someone who like her.  Very attentive and a master of her craft.  Restaurateurs are amazing people, she is one of them.  Really, the people who work there are great.  They're not as great as the people who work at The Counter, but they were pretty good.  The menu is pretty good, but not great.  It's not great because there is a bunch of stuff that they have not on there.  Not a few things, but a ton of things.  There was a number of tacos, but they are not on the menu.
That is their menu.  There it is, pretty exciting right?  Ok, it's not that exciting, but it is alright.  Let me say, these combos are the way to go.  They will allow you to mix tacos on the combo, they come with two, it is pretty cool.  I dig that.  They just charge you for the higher priced taco, that is cool.  Lets just get to what you want to know, the ratings:

CORN: 2, here's the thing, they are famous for this.  At least that is what they say.  It is slightly over grilled and then they drown it in Parmesan cheese, but the nasty, over produced kind.  Don't get excited by this lie.  It is not all that good.
CARNITAS: 2, this is like very white people's carnitas.  It is okay, over seasoned, over cooked, not the slow cooked goodness that is carnitas.  They do put a ton of salt on this stuff, so be prepared.
CHICKEN: 2, why did I not call it pollo?  Because it is not pollo.  It is poorly grilled chicken.  It had no flavor and was cut way too big for tacos, I mean come on people!
KOREAN SHORT RIB: 4, creativity alone gives you at least a point here.  I have had Korean Short Rib Tacos, these were not too bad.  Nice use of brown sugar and salt.  They did ok on the meat, but the sauces on this taco were second to none.  They really were good.  One of the folks I got to eat with got the sauces on the side and they were really amazing.
TEMPURA SHRIMP: 4, yeah, no typo there!  Yum, yum gimme some.  This was a treat and a half right here.  I have no complaints.  It was tender, good, nicely battered and fried.  Very encouraging.  I was so happy that Adriana recommended this.
SALSAS: 4, creative with nice variety, not enough spice for the big guy, but still tasty enough to be above the scale.
PINEAPPLE JALAPENO: 3, yeah, this should start so sweet and finish so hot, it did not, but was good.  Paired with the right taco, you are in for a treat, enjoy it.
JALAPENO: 4, ok, very different from the normal jalapeno salsa, but delicious.  Very delicious.  This was some great stuff that I would enjoy on my taco eggs in the morning and my lunch tacos and my dinner tacos.
HABANERO: 3, this was WAY too mild.  The flavor was good, but for sure the weakest as far as impressions in the bunch, very sad.
SEVEN CHILI: 4, the complexity made this happen.  Not as spicy as I would have liked, but good.  It was deep with layered flavors and was very nice to enjoy on all of their tacos.
Looks pretty good right?  No, it kind of doesn't, yeah, those are all flour tortillas.  There is the "corn" option, but its not on the menu and I looked at what they were calling "corn" tortillas and it was scarier then a fat guy in a thong.  Beans and rice were alright, but not Salsa and Beer good for sure.  I promised a selfie, so here it is without further a due:
What a great group.  We did have some real fun.  It was great just chatting, catching up.  We've all been working such crazy days and hours together but haven't spoken.  My beard and I really enjoyed everyone.  Lets caption this.  Fo: I love selfies!  Z: Just another taco picture.  Z's Beard: I just want to get back to eating tacos.  Alisha:  Camera?  I love being in photos!  Nikki:  Yo, I'm Nikki P from Staten Island Representin!  Christian:  Wow, I love Z's beard. We took a picture of all of us with the waitress in front of the restaurant.  The guy who took it was not too sharp, it didn't come out great, but here you go:
My beard is so hidden in this photo.  It is sad.  It represents so well.  Another day, another great adventure, another taco.  Couple more days here, then back to LA for a week and a half then Tacoteering takes itself to New Jersey.  Yeah, you read that one right, bring it on Garden State!

A few things, before I go, thank you as always for re-tweets, re-posts, reading, telling your friend, family members, enemies and co-workers.  Before I say goodbye, and remind you of what I'd like you to do like I do every blog, you get one more gratuitous photo, this time, it is of Fo:
Stay Excellent!

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