Friday, May 9, 2014

Tacos Veloz, Boise, IDaho

Ha, I just realized that you can see my reflection in all the chrome.  Yes, I'm wearing a chef coat.  Another day of tacos with some great tacoteers that are braving the Idaho taco truck world with me.  I'm very lucky to have such a great group of folks with me.  Phil, Fo, Ashley, Josh and company.  We went the day after Jess's birthday, of course she joined us again!  So did Sannae, tacos are important to existence and happiness.
 Look familiar?  All these taco trucks look pretty similar.  They are trying to be carbon copies of each other.  Some do it better then other.  Without a doubt, El Rey has remained as king of the greater Boise area.  This place did have a Super Burrito.  More then one in the group went for it.  Looked pretty darn good.  One of our tacoteers was unable to finish their asada quesadilla.  I was nice enough to finish it, pretty good, for a quesadilla.
ASADA: 4, I'm going to state it again, Idaho does beef pretty darn well.  Impressive.  They need to keep it up.
PASTOR: 2, a bit too much pineapple.  I was also excited that they had pastor and adobada, but the pastor was the exact same meat with pineapples put on top.
ADOBADA: 3, this was good.  Nicely done.  This was pretty good, mild sweet flavors and the meat was tender.
CARNITAS: 2, tasted burnt and dry.  Not very good.
LENGUA: 1, this stuff was horrible.  I did not eat it.  I took a half a bite and spit it out.  It was horrible in texture, flavor, yeah, I have nothing nice to say about it.
Not a bad looking spread?  Yeah, kind of was.  What really chapped my ass, is that I never got any salsa!  Yeah, no damn salsa.  Really frustrated by this.  Really stupid.  So it has been really windy here.  Really windy.  The napkins have been blowing everywhere.  I know, you have been concerned.  Each taco place this has been an issue.

Boise for sure has a "type" of taco.  We are learning all about it.  We are missing the deliciousness that is California, that is the Los Angeles Taco scene.  I can't wait to get an LA Taco.

Special thanks to the Idaho tacoteers and to all reading.  Keep spreading the word!  Keep telling people!  Re-tweet, re-post.

Couldn't get a great gratuitous photo, you get a picture of the front of the taco truck and a sort of in action snap shot with beautiful Phil as the centerpiece of the picture!
Stay Excellent All!

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