Sunday, March 9, 2014

El Aguila, Passaic, NJ

The trainers received advice from Amber our Director of Training.  "When Papa Bear gets angry and extra grouchy, take him Tacoteering."  They heeded the warning, they listened well.  El Aguila in Passaic.  Interesting spot.  We did our morning training session the other day and I was about over people.  The team suggested Tacoteering. They then pointed out to me that I had told them I'd take them Tacoteering in NYC and it didn't happen.  So this little gem was super interesting.  Menu was pretty big but they didn't have a number of things on there.  They also had stuff that was not listed on the menu that was written on regular paper and taped to the wall.
No suadero, that really hurt.  I am truly sad about it.  The service was weird.  One of the chicks working there was really nice, one was really rude and mean.  I still don't get why they made most people's food to eat there and some of ours to-go.  I told her that I was eating there, she still made it to-go.  They have the steam wells with most of the meats right up front and they were chopping the meats right in front.  Good to see it being made.
The people I got to eat with were great.  I appreciate their appreciation for tacos.  They all were jumping into some good stuff.  Matt was all about some lengua, Fo was going to town on some pastor, Alisha went for barbacoa, Josh was right after the tripa.  I was just happy to see people eating things other then asada.  Not that there is anything wrong with asada, I love that stuff, but it's nice to see people venture into the different meats of the taco world.
Tables and walls were so colorful.  Everywhere was full of color.  Very bright ones, but it works.  They do have a bakery and Josh says that stuff was good.  I did not try anything from there.  I get the whole double tortilla theory, but I don't get it when the tortillas are that thick  They had some seriously thick tortillas and they were tough.  It made the place not as good.

 not bad.  It's not one of the greats, but it was decent.  Fo was a big fan.  They really cooked it like a stew and that is not always my favorite, but their flavors were on point.
BARBACOA: 2, not a fan.  I love barbacoa, but this stuff was not good.  It lacked the flavor it needed.  The texture was unimpressive, it was way overcooked.  There was also a ton of bones in my taco.  I get if there are some, but this was ridiculous.  I was unable to finish this taco.
LENGUA: 2, not great, but not horrible. I think it should have been cooked a little longer.  It was a bit gelatinous.  I also like the cut sizes a little smaller.
ASADA: 3, pretty run of the mill.  Good stuff.  Well seasoned, not overcooked, they did a good job on this.
TRIPA: 4, I enjoyed this stuff.  It was well seasoned, perfectly cooked, a bit crispy.  It just really was on point.  I would go back to this place and just get the tripa.  I was also excited because the places that I've seen around NY and NJ usually have it on the menu, but they don't have it in the restaurant.  These guys did and they did really well.
SALSAS: 2, there was minimal flavor, no spice, no depth, they both sucked!
Like I said, they made mine to go.  Still don't know why.  I will say that they have phenomenal chips.  I mean really good stuff.  They were yummy.  Fo bought a bag of them and that was nice.  I enjoyed stealing some from him.  The crew was giving me a hard time, I was in my chef coat and did not even realize that I had an apron on still when we got there.  I decided to just leave it on.  We got some guy to take a photo of all of us.
Good looking crew!  They have been working hard and tacoteering hard!  Whether we've been speaking in accents, making jokes, photo bombing each other or Tacoteering, we are having a great time and opening a great The Counter in Clifton.

So what can I say, the tacos in New Jersey and New York are good, but not California good.  They have been doing a decent job, but not an amazing job.  Don't know if I'll get back out this week, but I might.  I'm looking forward to some good old fashion California tacos next week!  I'm also excited for some warmth.  It has been chilly here.  Today's gratuitous photo is of none other then Matt Lambakis.  He is a phenomenal man and a great trainer from Reston, VA.  Get that taco Matt!
Thanks for reading everyone!  Please keep telling everyone, re-tweeting, re-posting and spreading the word.

Stay Excellent!

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