Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Taqueria Brenda Lee, Passaic, NJ

I've been challenged so many times, I'm beginning to wonder how I find some of these places.  So we are still in Clifton, NJ working.  In NJ for about another week and a half, probably more to come from The Garden State.  Anyways, I've had my fill of people and needed to get some tacos for the safety of all that were around me.  Done and done.  Yeah, this place is legit.  Tucked away in a neighborhood that scared the salsa out of Nikki P, was a gem.  A diamond in the rough.  Taqueria Brenda Lee.  Here is a shot of the street that it is on.
See, I don't get it either.  Why was Nikki nervous?  I just don't get it.  If you don't remember Nikki from a Florida blog, she is a friend.  A great colleague.  She is the GM for the Times Square location and though she had been Tacoteering previously, this was like the first time for her.  She looked in awe and fear as Amber and I went into attack Tacoteering mode.  Oh man I'm missing the delicious salsa.  Here is a picture of Nikki P so that you know what she looks like through the rest of this blog and forever.
I know exactly what you are thinking.  There is a bench chair from an old van behind that cute mug.  Yes, there is.  It is quite comfortable, but we'll get to the weird furniture later.  This is a true family operation.  It was great.  There was a delightful young man, probably about 4 or younger running around playing.  Dad was working.  Really neat.  We probably accounted for most of their sales for the day.  We did get a TON of tacos.  The decor is pretty neat.  The kitchen fits them so well:
So yes, those two pictures are of their kitchen.  Each side of the line.  I love it.  The restaurant almost looks abandoned when you go in there.
Why yes, that is Nikki and Amber.  You can see the entire restaurant in this picture.  Pretty neat right?  Not any wasted space, but big enough to get done what they need to.  English is not the second language in here.  They do not speak anything but Spanish. If you get turned off by that, I totally get that you don't like great tacos and you are just really missing out.  This is the right neighborhood to go Tacoteering by the way.  I mean the Order of the Taco could do a straight up full day taco walk and stay within a few blocks.  Seriously, great spot.  I was getting way too excited driving around this place.  I was like a puppy in the back seat of this rental car jumping around as I saw places.  One quick shot of Amber, in case you forgot who she is before the ratings:
Winning smile.

SAUDERO: 3, good, solid.  Nothing amazing, but what you should expect. It was some good stuff.
CECINA: 2, not a huge fan.  I know that it is salted beef, but this was really heavily salted.  Also a little tougher then I think it should have been.
BISTEK: 3, nice steak redemption here.  Tasted good, well, seasoned.  I was happy with this.
BUCHE: 2, it was really just not cooked enough.  I'm a sucker for it to be crispy, but this was just not that great.  I was pretty sad.
LENGUA: 4, two thumbs up.  Amber and I were both really happy with this.  It was just good old fashioned yummy stuff.
CARNITAS: 5, HOLY CARNITAS!  This was just so good.  It was soft, flavorful, juicy, just downright delicous.  I love this stuff.  I will dream about this stuff.
SALSA: 4,  this is some of the yummiest I've had. It was a jalapeno/avocado salsa that was think, chunky, spicy and downright delicious.  I could not ask for a better salsa here.  Really happy with it.
Those are just two of the kinds that we tried, whoa.  So good. I did over order.  By more then a few tacos, but I just couldn't stop ordering.  It all looked so good.  I also really needed tacos.  It has been the tough, long opening hours and this was the cure that I needed.  For me, this was like getting more cowbell.  I just couldn't get enough and wanted more and more.

I've been told a few times lately that there is just not enough photos of me in the blog.  That people want to know what I really look like.  I feel like there are tons and that no one really wants to see what I look like.  Here's the deal, I'm not easy on the eyes.  I have opted to put a picture of me in that great van bench seat that was behind Nikki.
I know, not very impressive, but that is who I am.  Yes, I already know that I'm bald and I do love my beard, but y'all probably already know that.  That is the guy eating all these tacos.  Much less impressive then you thought huh?  I agree.  Here is where your head is at.  Wait, he ends each blog with a gratuitous photo, is this the photo?  Nope!  Every once in a while you have one of those team members.  One that really stands out.  This guy did.  He wore glasses with no lenses, pranced, yeah, a true stand out.  She would only call me boss man.  He was completely terrified of me.  She loved being in photos and Fo, our photo ninja got a great shot of him and sent it to a number of co-workers.

Thanks for reading, thanks for spreading the word, keep it going!  I want this thing out there more and more.  It entertains the heck out of me, hopefully it does the same for you.  Without further a due, Quadir:
 Stay Excellent!

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