Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Taco Sinaloa, Torrance, CA

Where have I been?  It's been the longest Tacoteering dry spell since I started this bad boy.  I've been busy, I've been working, running around, thinking about tacos, eating some, but hitting up spots I've written about.  I didn't need or want a break, just didn't write.  Well, Tacoteering is back.  Back to getting the information out to everyone.  I got up about 4am and went to San Diego to work this morning.  Knocked out all I needed to do and was driving back up to LA.  I stopped on my way back and did a conference call and then met up with my dad.  It seemed like a great day to get some tacos.  Wanted to try something new, somewhere different.  We hit a joint in Torrance.  Big following, not sure why.
Place was really disorganized.  It was one of the longest ordering processes I've ever been a part of.  It really was crazy.  I ended up having to help some other patrons as the gentleman on the register did not speak much English.  That part was fine, but he would start taking an order and just walk away to do other things and then would come back totally confused.  The place had the look, the place had the smell, the place had the feel, but that is where it stopped for me.  Menu is good.  It looks bigger than it is.  They stick to what they think they know.
Kitchen is pretty small, just right.  The guy that was working the register was working, but the other guy that was there was all over the place.  Dude was grilling, cooking, chopping, stocking, everything.  He was a horse!  Really was a machine getting everything done, making orders and was smiling the entire time.  He seemed as though he really did enjoy his job.  They serve some beer, I stuck with the delicious, LA's finest tap water.
The artwork in, on and around the building was awesome.  I really liked it.  The artist that did this is super talented.  Everything had great detail and was great to see.  Ambiance was the best part this place has to offer.  Even the artwork by the restrooms was cool.  Perfectly drawn mermaid and sea animals.  It was neat.
Salsa bar was kept pretty dirty.  Radishes were not really fresh, the jalapenos were just OK.  Limes were great, salsas were fine.  Nothing impressive about this bar, nothing that set it apart.  With that being said, lets get to it.

ASADA: 3, not impressive, not bad, just alright.  Good char flavor, which I liked, but the quality of the meat itself was bad.  The seasoning was pretty non-existent.
CARNITAS: 2, it lacked flavor and excitement.  It was tender, but not great, like I said.
SESOS: 2, this was just weird. It was off in texture, had no flavor and did not even look tasty.
LENGUA: 2, the texture was on point, the flavor was not.  There was just no flavor to this thing.  Nothing exciting about it in anyway.
BUCHE: 2, again we were lacking flavor or excitement.  Really not very good at all.
PASTOR: 1, this was flat out horrid and a disgrace.  It was not good, so don't waste your time or your taste buds.
TACO DORADO: 2, this was a disappointment.  It had "guacamole" which was nasty.  Yeah, not bad, nasty.  You would think a crispy taco couldn't be that bad, but it was, very sad for my mouth.
SALSA ROJO: 3, pretty textbook.  It was nice and spicy, but lacked anything to make it any better than average.
SALSA VERDE: 3,  again, kind of what you expect for "average" salsa.
That is the picture of the spread.  Nothing too great, it looked good though.  The food overall lacked flavor.  It was nice that they didn't douse meat with salt, but needed some flavoring love.  I am so pissed about this "pastor."  I mean, come on people, this is a signature item.  It is one of the best things in the world and you have embarrassed yourselves with this lack of flavor and lack of seasoning.  I say don't go eat there only because they messed up pastor so bad and pastor is near and dear to my heart.  Damn I'm upset about this.

The artwork was cool, but the best part of the trip was getting a little bit of time with my dad.  We were able to just hang out, catch up about work, life and everything.  I use to love going to visit my dad at his work when I was younger and we would go get a burrito from Campos or somewhere around there in Santa Monica.  I love my dad and was really happy that we got some time together.  Today's gratutious photo is one of him and I on his birthday last March at Malibu Seafood.  It is sad, but my little brother Paul never took my dad out or did anything with him on his birthday this year.
Stay Excellent!