Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tacos Reyes, Canoga Park, CA

I've heard a lot about this place.  There are outlandish claims that this is the very best tacos in the San Fernando Valley.  Crazy right?  Or is it?  Tacos Reyes is a pretty special little spot.  I'll tell you from the get go, this place does not disappoint.
Tacos Reyes sits on the corner of Saticoy and Topanga.  Yeah, you can totally hit it up on the way to the beach from the North end of the Valley.  It is a humble looking joint, not too small, but not big for sure.  It is almost slightly too big to be considered a "hole in the wall."  However you want to classify this place, it's a treat.  Let me back up slightly, it is not a top 5, but darn is it knocking on the door.
There are some good options.  Many great things, but they don't overwhelm you with too much to choose from.  They do all the expected meats, tacos, burritos, huraches  and some great dishes.  Big surprise to me was the chips and salsa.  They brought some out after I went and sat down.  That was pretty nice of them.  The salsa that they served it with is not on the salsa bar and was pretty tasty.  Like their other salsas, it was a bit watery, but pretty tasty.
Since we were talking about the salsa, I figured I'd show you the pictures of the salsa bar.  Pretty nice spread.  Everything was really fresh and really tasty.  They do a nice job of keeping it cold and stocked.  Not too much on it.  I think it is very well done.  No surprise here, the peppers and onions were my favorite part.
This kitchen is efficient.  Very efficient.  I watched very closely and though I'm a fan of a true "line," they did a great job of utilizing the space available and were very efficient.  I enjoyed watching them work.  Communication was strong, there was no extra talk, but they were all having fun.  Speaking of the people that work there, these guys were almost too good.  Everyone was so polite, they all smiled and you can tell that they all enjoy working there.  It is so refreshing to see folks enjoying working.  I enjoy working in restaurants, so I'm glad that others do too.
ASADA: 3,  
this was about as solid as it gets for asada that is not a 4.  It was darn near close.  It is good, tender and well seasoned.
LENGUA: 3, I liked it, I would have it again but it did not blow me away.  I mean, tender, not bland.  I liked it, but it was no 4 level goodness.
CABEZA: 3, this was my least favorite, but was not bad.  It did not deserve below a 3 because it was good, but I've become crazy picky about my cabeza and it is fighting to be my favorite of the taco meat staples.
TRIPA: 4, this totally surprised me.  It was like a straight up sneak attack.  I like my tripa crispy.  Sometimes almost too crispy.  This looked soft, and it was.  Here's the thing, it was crazy good.  It made me do a double take and almost order an extra taco.  This is a MUST TRY!  Check it out, you will dig it.
PASTOR: 4, here's the thing, first bite, I was enjoying a 3 rating and really liked it.  I sat there for a second and wow.  I took another bite, even better.  This is something special.  This could be 5 level here.  I am going back and I am re-trying some things, I am getting professional Tacoteer opinions and this bad boy could be going up.  Yeah, this is beyond a must try, this might become more regular than eggs at breakfast.
SALSAS: 3, they had a red and green and a dipping salsa.  All were good.  The only issue that I had with them was how thin they are.  They were tasty, but lacked the thicker or more hearty texture that could have elevated their game a bit.
Good looking spread.  It was served minus the peppers and onions, but I couldn't eat my tacos without them.  They just looked so good and damn did they taste that way.  The food is solid.  This is a great treat on the way home from the beach, after you ate them on the way to the beach or really in and out of the SFV for any reason if you are heading North.  Place is not too far off the 101.  The pastor was a huge surprise.  This one sneaks up on you.  It is on the path to greatness.  All the food was solid and that is what it's all about.  Carnitas on my next trip, and there will be a next trip, this place has earned it.

I'm sure, or at least someone has noticed I haven't been writing much lately.  I've been crazy busy with work and have had a ton going on.  I can assure you that I'm back.  I have been eating and enjoying tacos, of course, but have been hitting some favorite spots for nostalgia as I've been on the road a tremendous amount.  Not that being on the road is out of the ordinary, but I've needed to revisit some places and did not have any experiences, aside from Wapo's that I needed to write more about.  The adventures will continue.  I need a trip though.  A true Tacoteering trip with the main crew.  Just a day with some great guys, tacos.  It will happen soon.  Maybe I need to text them for an impromptu this weekend??  A great read that would be!

A huge thank you for the continued looks, even though I haven't been writing as much.  I am sorry, it has been a time that hopefully doesn't rear it's head often.  I struggled with the goodbye/gratuitous photo for today's blog.  I decided that you get a photo that Josh took of me at the Miami Airport.  If you follow Order of the Taco on Instagram, you've seen it.  It is me deep in Taco Thought.  Thank you again for reading and passing along.  Much TACO LOVE!
Stay Excellent!