Thursday, October 30, 2014

Rico's Tacos, El Tio, Inglewood, CA

What a week, what a day.  Somehow I got a flat tire today.  It just added to the immense joy that I have been overwhelmed with.  Here's the thing, guys, hipster guys, if you don't know how to change your tire, it is time to learn.  Watch a Youtube video or something, but you need to know how to do it without calling AAA or some service that you paid for.  Let them deal with the real stuff, not changing your tire, you should be able to do it yourself.  Lucky for me, a flat tire does not stop me from going Tacoteering.  I was at the office for some meetings and was heading to The Counter in El Segundo.  I stopped not too far from LAX in beautiful Inglewood, CA.
Rico's Tacos, El Tio in Inglewood was the recipient of some real live Tacoteering today.  Place was busy, really busy.  I was there watching people just line up and order.  The building is modest, for sure it has been painted recently.  The inside was pretty perfect.  I like the outside patio, ambiance is right on point for a place like this.  It also really fits the neighborhood.  It blends in and stands out all at the same time.
The menu is good.  What they need without too much fluff.  They know how to execute.  I will say that I found them a bit slow, but they were working hard.  This is the part of the menu that I was interested in.
Here is the rest of the menu and their waters.  They make their waters in house, pretty cool, pretty common though.  I didn't have any, but they looked good and people were ordering them, so I'm sure they couldn't be bad.  Everyone working there was speaking perfect English and perfect Spanish.  Great having such great diversity in such a small place.  I have to say that their hiring seems great.
ASADA: 4, really tasty.  Nice balance, subtle flavors, for sure something that I really liked.
LENGUA: 3, this was so close to a 4.  Flavors were good, buttery.  I think that they need to cook it for just a few minutes longer.
CARNITAS: 3, this was very good.  Nothing with overwhelming flavors, but had nice texture and some good flavor that made it a solid 3 that I would say is worth stopping by for.
PASTOR: 1, I was so sad.  This was dry, not well marinated and I'm just angry about it.  The reason I'm not saying much more is that I'll just get negative on a place that is pretty solid.
BUCHE: 2, too mushy.  This really had not been cooked long enough and was lacking in flavor.  Very fatty buche, wouldn't recommend it.
CABEZA: 3, solid.  Just some pretty textbook cabeza. Good flavor, nice texture, not over or under cooked, but they didn't do anything to set it apart.
Not a bad looking spread.  The jalapenos are a nice touch and were great.  Firm but soft, spicy but not fire.  They carrots were so well  marinated.  I really enjoyed the extras that came with this meal.  I'll sum this place up, I'm glad I went, but I'm not going back.  The people were great, the ambiance was nice, but the food was just OK.  Nothing truly blew me away today.  It was good, don't get me wrong, but I'm not pining to get some more of their tacos, I need to continue the search for better ones and go back to places that have blown this place away.

As always, thank you for reading.  Thanks for telling people and following along on these taco journeys.  Today's gratuitous photo is of the donut wheel on the Impala.  The donut that too, me on this taco journey.
Stay Excellent!

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