Sunday, February 16, 2014

El Primo (Re-Visit), truck in the SFV

If this looks familiar, that is because it is.  Traditionally when I go and write about a place, if I go back, there is no follow up write, but for here, we are doing a quick one.  Why does El Primo get special treatment?  It is special.  This place really is awesome.  It parks on Saticoy, right by Reseda about 5pm until I'm not sure when.  They have hours listed from early morning.  I've seen them set up by 4, but it is usually right after 5.  This is the first place I wrote about.  It got good reviews, but not amazing.  It is one of those places that knows how to make a few things off the charts.  Order Pastor, Suadero and Tripas and you will be happy.  Asada, not the best they can do.  Their salsas are off the hook delicious.  Service is pretty quick, you get to watch them cut the pastor right off the cone and that just warms my heart like watching a kid open gifts on Christmas morning.

I came home on a late flight out of Fort Lauderdale.  That was an exhausting few weeks.  I'm here for a bit?  Have to fly out and get to work in New Jersey.  When I landed, said goodbye to the last of the coworkers that were stuck with me, Melissa asked if I wanted tacos.  Of course I do.  We were debating on a few of the "regular" places.  El Indio, Tacos Mexico, you know how it is.  I told her I wanted to go back to this place to try it out again.  I have wanted to get back to this place and this seemed like the prime opportunity.  We listened to Elvis Radio, I know you are all shocked, as we headed towards the truck.

We pulled up and I fell in love all over again seeing the salsa bar:
 Yeah, looks great, tastes better.  Melissa and I debated and new that we needed to maximize.  She went for a Pastor burrito.  It was so delicious.  The rice and beans were good, not overwhelming.  The pastor is just fantastic.  I'm not doing ratings on this place as I did them last time.  Their Pastor, might really be about as close to a 5 as you can get, I think I rated it a 4 last time.  Lets put it this way, you can't go wrong here!  The Suadero is a 5.  The Tripas is a 4.  Those two were not rated last time, so I figured I throw them out there.  They set up old plastic patio chairs against the wall, and you can eat there.  That is what we obviously opted to do.  It was a great call.
That is my wife Melissa eating.  Didn't realize until posting this picture that where someone had tagged is pointing right at her head.  Pretty entertaining.  This really is the first time that she has been Tacoteering.  I'm glad for her to finally be a part of the special thing that is Tacoteering.

If you read the blog, you know that I travel a lot.  You know that I go Tacoteering all over the US.  You know that my Miami experience was pretty solid.  Let me tell you, there is nothing like SoCal tacos.  Big differences between LA and SD, but both are great and no where is comparing, so far.  It is good to be home.

Big thank you to my wife, we celebrate 11 years of being married in just over a month.  Three kids, a few states and a lot of tacos later, we still like going for the late night taco run.  Like all of the adventures, who I get to go with makes it even more fun.

I'll keep looking, you keep reading.  Thanks for the tweets, texts, emails, posts and telling people.  I've got a bunch of places on the radar here in LA and a number of places I'm looking at in New Jersey for my trip there.  I will try to get into NYC as I have spent a ton of time there and never wrote about the regular spots that I hit.  I know you folks need to know all about them.  My love to all readers, I know this one is a bit different then the norm, but that is the fun of The Order of the Taco.

Before I go, one shot of Melissa and I together at a Dodger Game last year:
Thanks for reading, keep re-posting, re-tweeting, and telling folks.  Send me suggestions, I'm always on the taco prowl!  Stay Excellent Everyone!

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