Sunday, November 23, 2014

Taqueria Mexicana Panaderia, Naples, FL

This was such a random stop.  Seriously, straight #tacodestiny.  John Moraski and I are driving from Miami to Naples.  We accidentally get off on the incorrect exit.  We are driving to where we need to go on side streets when I slam on the breaks, pop a U turn and we pull into this little parking lot.  John immediately smiles, nods his head and says "Tacoteering."  Yeah, we made it rain.  It was straight Taco Destiny!  We saw this place and I just had to go.  Not a word was spoken until he said "Tacoteering."  Dude, he was totally right.
We walk up to this inviting, appetizing and exciting window front.  How can you not go in here?  Seems legit, right?  It always makes me laugh seeing myself in the reflections of the pictures that I take.

We were heavy in conversations of Business Development for The Counter.  How do we grow the business that we are lucky enough to be a part of?  How do we push it all forward.  This conversation then got better.  How?  Because it was now over tacos.  Tacos makes everything better.
Menu is pretty simple.  Very easy to read, I dig it.  They have a good enough variety without being too much.  They stick to what they know.  I was pretty psyched to see barbacoa on the menu.  These guys keep it simple and flavorful.
The restaurant itself was pretty simple.  The TV might have been my favorite part.  They had H2 channel on and we got to watch an episode of Ancient Aliens while we ate.  The guy that was working there was awesome, personable, talkative, just a really nice guy.  He took our order, cooked it, and brought it to us.  He was a true one stop shop.  The restaurant itself has three types of chairs.  That made it kind of nice.  I got to pick the style of chair that was most comfortable to me.
PASTOR: 4, this is about as good as it gets not being on a cone.  The marinade was great.  Heavy pineapple flavor, but real pineapple, not syrup tasting junk.
ASADA: 3, solid, good flavor, but nothing special about it as a standout.  It was not overcooked or tough, just a solid showing of beef.
POLLO: 2, so this was by far the worst showing of the day.  Not very tasty, not very impressive in any way, shape or form.  Don't order it.
CARNITAS: 3, nothing that blew me away, but I'd probably get it again.  They stuck to the basics on this one.
BARBACOA: 4, this goodness was packed with solid flavor of clove, a hint of nutmeg and had a great light salt on it.  I liked it and think you should check it out.
SALSA: 3, pretty basic pepper salsa.  I liked it, went great with their food, nice kick to it.
Nice looking spread, right?  I was happy with it.  John and I did attack this stuff shortly after the picture was taken.  Place does sell some Mexican beers, we stuck to water and tacos, but if that is what you are looking for, they can deliver.  The tortillas were great.  Not home made, but really good.  They were soft and tasty.  They held up to the meat nicely and didn't fall apart.  If you look at the ratings of this place, they know how to marinate!  For sure go after those for nice, layered and complex flavors.

This truly was a story of Taco Destiny.  We just happened to catch the place and won with a great meal.  John and I had some great adventures, compelling conversations, so you are stuck with a picture of him and I for today's goodbye gratuitous photo!  Please keep telling people, reading and eating tacos!
Stay Excellent!

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