Saturday, December 6, 2014

Fast Taco, Chatsworth, CA

It may be called Fast Taco, and that is what I got, but they make a mean burrito.  I am starting the blog off by letting you know that it is worth trying a burrito when you are there.  They do a Pollo/Asada burrito that is fantastic, a pastor burrito that drips all over your arm, yes, the way that it is supposed to be.  Alright, now that I got that off my chest, lets talk about the day, the experience, the visit, the journey...
A few hours ago in a Taqueria not far far away I went Tacoteering.  I've been going here for quite sometime.  I know many folks that grew up on this stuff and won't look at another Taqueria.  Fast Taco is nostalgia kind of tacos.  To say this place blows me away overstates its abilities, but it is somewhere that I really enjoy going to.  I really don't go here enough.  It is just one of those places that falls a bit off the radar.

Today I was running errands.  I was not supposed to be in LA, but some unforeseen circumstances brought me home for a weekend, and that is alright by me.  As I was running around, I decided that I needed to go Tacoteering.  As I was about to pass Fast Taco it dawned on me that I haven't been there in a while.  I passed it went to my next stop and found myself compelled to go back.  I went back and am sure glad that I did.
Yes, they have three proteins.  Three meats that they knock out of the park.  Pastor, Asada, Pollo.  These three delectable meats line the inside of tortillas that are grilled fresh on the flattop.  Great to see that places can keep it simple, keep it real and keep people coming in.  They do not try to do a bunch of crazy off the wall stuff, they stick to what they know, they do know it well.  Huge brownie points with me for the grilled green onions.  Why don't more places do this still?  It is such a nice touch and makes the food that much better.  The two on my plate were completely devoured.

I love the TV.  They have a big flat screen and had the ISU game on.  Yeah, I said ISU, not TCU.  ISU is an important team to a few of our members here at the Order, so we will stick with that.  Game might not have gone how we wanted, but at least ISU was in it.  Folks come in and grab food to go, sit down and eat, it is like a revolving door in there.  Great to see that kind of business.
Salsa bar is always open.  When you eat there they give you two ramekins and a basket of chips which is pretty cool.  Something to do while you wait the almost two minutes for your tacos.  Yes, they are fast.  Salsa bar allows you to load up with as much cilantro and onions as you want.  The onions are marinated and down right delicious.
POLLO: 4, that delicious crispy grilled taste is so good.  I think that it really sets the meat apart.  Well seasoned, tender, not overcooked at all, just perfectly cooked and flavored.
ASADA: 4, again, that grilled flavor.  A nice char really takes this meat over the edge.  An opened flame goes a long way in the taco world.
PASTOR: 4, they know what they are doing.  They do a very nice job with their pastor.  It is flavorful, sweet, but not too sweet, cooked, but not mush.  It really is a treat that you should try.
SALSA BAR: 3, as a whole it has always upset me.  Their onions are great, cilantro is good, jalapenos are inconsistent and the salsas are just OK.
Overall this place just echos how the tacos in the San Fernando Valley are some of the most excellent tacos out there.  The SFV is underrated in the taco world.  There are so many great spots.  People are expecting it in Boyle Heights, they are looking throughout Chula Vista.  Come see us here, you will be pleasantly surprised from a taco standpoint.

Thank you for reading, posting, tweeting, following and telling your friends.  Find me on Instagram and on Twitter for all of the latest and greatest in Tacoteering and other random things that I put on there.

Today's gratuitous goodbye photo was sent to me because December 6 is my holiday.  It is a day set aside for those of us who have earned the right to be referred to as assholes.  Please don't forget about us, we deserve our day too.
Stay Excellent!

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