Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Casa de Tacos, Canoga Park, CA

Casa de Tacos.  How did we end up here?  Doctor Uncle Paul, Smoky Alex Z and a I were on our way to Outlaw's in Van Nuys.  We got a call and had to run up to the bar.  While we were there we realized that we didn't have enough time to get to Outlaw's.  I had to be back to bar-tend and get delicious beer to thirsty people.
www.crazyharrysbar.com.  You need to come and check the place out.  It really is amazing.  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  It really is an awesome joint.  Anyways,  When we knew that we had lost some time, we decided to go somewhere closer, this led us to Casa de Tacos.  A number of regulars at the bar had told me I had to try this joint.  I'll save you the suspense, they were correct.
Tile was nice, place is small and quaint.  They don't waste space.  The joint really does look nice and delivers with the food.  The guys working there were ok, but nothing special.  If they had some real customer service, I think this joint would be close to unstoppable.
Menu is good.  Plenty to choose from, but nothing overwhelming.  They don't overdo it trying to cover every meat.  That is nice to see!  The meats they do, they did a nice job with.
ASADA: 4, 
CARNITAS: 5, this might be my favorite carnitas.  Close to perfection.  It is right on point.  So moist and delicious.  I strongly recommend that you go and try this stuff.
BUCHE: 4, 
LENGUA: 4, this was Alexander's favorite.  The sad part is that we went to order another one, Alexander's request, they were out.  Good stuff, texture on point, flavorful, worth having.
CABEZA: 4, tasted like lamb.  This was a delicious treat that caught me a little bit off guard.  Texture was right on point.
POLLO: 4, this had a red sauce that it was cooked in and it took the chicken from a 3 to a 4.  This stuff was good.  Moist, tender and packed with flavor and a light spice.
Flavors were on point.  Their tortillas were good, not to tough, but could handle the meat just fine.  Food came out timely.  They got a bit busy and kept the pace, which is cool.  Another neat thing is that they cook right behind the counter.  They have a prep area in back, but you can see them preparing the food.  I enjoy the show, thinks it gives a lone tacoteer something to do that doesn't involve Facebook while they wait for their tacos.

Thank you for continuing to follow the blog.  I know I haven't been posting as much, been really busy getting the bar going and consulting.  I have traveled minimally so no exciting destination tacos.  The really nice part about that is there are so many awesome taco places in the Los Angeles area that I can hit!

I couldn't not make this the gratuitous/goodbye photo.  Alexander and his amazing Uncle.  They are such great buddies and it is so great to have a young man have the love and trust that he has with his uncle.  They were so excited to have the same new trucker hats on and sport the bar out at lunch.  It is even better that they both love Tacoteering.  Here is the two of them hanging out enjoying some tacos!
Stay Excellent!

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