Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Taqueria Mexico, Roscoe and DeSoto, Canoga Park, CA

I've run into some pretty bad taco luck lately.  I haven't written because much of the tiny, short adventures have been pretty poor and it is depressing to write about.  This place was different.  It is so bad that I must warn you.  It is so horrible that I would be doing you a complete disservice by not telling you how disgusting this place is.  It is beyond bad and I don't know how they in good concious can serve anyone food that tastes this bad.
The decor is promising.  It is a good looking little spot that has it all kind of split from the kitchen but you can still see it.  Tables and chairs are comfortable.  The place just shows so many good signs until you get your food!  It is really sad that they failed so miserably.
The menu is great and again it just sets you up to think that they won't suck as much as they do.  Lets get this over with...
ASADA: 1, made me want to vomit.
LENGUA: 1, more of a mystery meat.
CABEZA: 1, not sure if they were serious when they gave this to me.
PASTOR: 1, eww.
CARNITAS: 1, what the heck was that?
SALSA: 1, if you can really call it salsa, OK?
So I didn't finish my meal because it was that bad.  Yes, it truly was that disgusting.  Those photos are after I was done eating.  There was nothing edible.  This place made me crave a fast food restaurant.  It was so bad.  I literally ran to the car and drove as fast as I could to Rigo's to clean my palate.   

This adventure was horrible and I'm glad that you read it so that you don't go there.  I assure you that I took one for the team even walking into this place.  The only positive thing is this mural on the wall, it is your gratuitous photo.  Better blogs to come in the future.
Stay Excellent!

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