Sunday, November 17, 2013

Salsa and Beer, North Hollywood, CA

Yeah, I've been here a bunch of times, but here we go, Salsa and Beer.  There are two locations, one is in North Hollywood, one is in Reseda.  Biggest difference between the two is one serves full liquor, the other is just beer and wine.  This place is good.  Full service, which is slow, but pretty fun.  I see many friends in the area tag themselves here or fire off pictures from here.

Why did I decide to write about this adventure?  Just a downright great time.  It was double date time with Dara and Mike Phillips.  Two of the greatest friends and people that I know.
I know, they look great.  So they are Jason, my youngest child's godparents.  He loves them.  I'm pretty sure that he likes them more then me.  Nothing to do with this taco run, but today at church, Jason sat with his Nouno all through the sermon at church and then fell asleep on his Nouno.  He slept for a while, even over at coffee hour he was still asleep in his Nouno's arms.  It was great to see.  The love that he has for his godparents really makes me happy.

The four of us really just enjoyed getting away for a bit and hanging out.  We don't all get to do it that often, they are both working a ton, I'm always flying somewhere for work to save the burger world and we of course have the three monsters at home.  Yiayia and Papou are very helpful and were very awesome for taking all three of the brats.  Alexander was hanging out with his good buddy Trevon at the comic book store for a bit, but he's the easy one anyways.

We got more then a little spread today.  Yeah, mucho stuff.  We were all over the place with burritos, tacos, taquitos, flautas, enchiladas, almost everything.  Take a look:
I know you all love to see the way that I pass judgement with ratings but I'm not numbering this stuff.  It is all good, but just as a restaurant.  They crush it with potato tacos and taquitos.  The salsas would find themselves in the 4-5 range.

My favorite thing about going to Salsa and Beer is the experiences.  It is the times that I have with the people that I go with.  There are some really memorable ones.  The first time I went was with my cousin Corinne who I love and it was a perfect trip for me, Melissa ordered my food, great friends and family were around.  Sizzling taquitos, yeah ridiculous.  My dad and I would shoot over there for lunch sometimes when he worked in Burbank.  We asked Dara and Mike to be Jason's godparents at Salsa and Beer.  Two years later and a few twists in between in life and they asked us to baptize their baby who is due next May, ironically on my wife Melissa's birthday.  It was a marvelous surprise.  I don't know if I've seen Melissa happier and that was the most exciting part for me.  Don't get me wrong, I am ecstatic and honored, but I loved seeing the look and smile on Melissa's face.  This is a huge deal in our faith and something that we are so excited about.  I have two grown godsons, Nicholas and Jason and it pains me the distance that we have in our relationship.  Melissa and I also have a beautiful goddaughter Melaina.  A big reason for us wanting to move back to California was to be closer to her and her family.  Her mother is my cousin Corinne who I was talking about earlier in this post.

I know, where did the taco story go here?  It goes back to what I've said many times, it doesn't matter where I eat, but who I eat with.  Today was pretty awesome.  Mikey is a member of the Order of the Taco, and it's always an honor.  I do with that the rest of the members and I could eat together all the time, but that just doesn't work.  Our next big trip is planned and mapped out though!  San Diego, we are coming, better show us your best.

OK, one thing about the food.  My favorite thing to get there, is to share the spicy bean and cheese burrito with someone and then get a taco.  Yeah, the spicy bean burrito is fantastic.  It is so well flavored and good.  I could eat just that and be happy.  Their salsa bar is fantastic and has mild to hot flavors.  Food is great, service is often slow though.  Place is very affordable.  Like cheap and good.  Warning, they are busy always.  Early, afternoon and late.  Be ready to wait at either location.

If you have never been, I recommend.  Let me know when you are going, I'll join you!  Thanks again to everyone for reading and a very special thank you to Melissa, Dara and Mikey for making the day so special and so much fun.  I needed that to recharge the battery and find the balance.  Stay Excellent everyone!

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