Sunday, January 19, 2014

Rincon Taurino, Panorama City, CA

They say "the truth will set you free."  Well  my friends, it did.  I was asked by a very good friend, someone I hold dear on where to go for some tacos.  He asked for the best around the area.  I could have told him a more "convenient" place, but I sent him here.  To one of my favorites, a favorite of everyone in The Order of the Taco, Rincon Taurino.  The beauty of this majestic story is that he caught me off guard and asked me to go with him.  Adam is a great dude.  He has been married for a bit and has a great wife.  They are a great fit.  It was awesome listening to him tell stories about the two of them.  Adam is one of those guys that it doesn't matter how long we go, which is never too long without talking, it is like we never missed a beat.  He is super close with our entire family.  He is so great to my wife, kids, brothers and parents.  He is a part of our family that we are lucky to have.  We always enjoy when Adam shows up.  He lives in San Diego now, has for a while.  Like I said, I was really excited when he text me he wanted to stop by, I was even more elated when he said he wanted to go Tacoteering.  Below is a picture of the two of us.  Adam is the one who doesn't look like me:
How do I really describe this place.  I mean it is a top 5 all time.  It is a beautiful place full of deliciousness that should be enjoyed.  It is also right next to an ice skating rink which gives this location some great Order of the Taco street credit.  I have a huge frustration with RT.  They have a burrito created by one of the greatest taco eating minds of our times.  The Buck Monstrosity has what he calls the Perfect Burrito.  I insist on calling it the Bucky Burrito.  It is so fantastic.  My struggle going there is that I always want a Bucky Burrito, but I feel like I'm missing out on some of their other great meat options.  Here's the thing, this trip, we were going to get tacos, but we had to get tacos because it is the weekend and on the weekend, they make their barbacoa.  Yeah, that is a lock for us.  So the Bucky Burrito has milanesa and pastor.  I'm not giving away anymore.  You have to take The Buck Monstrosity their and pay for lunch yourself.  If he feels that you are worthy, he can tell you how to make the burrito.  Yeah, it's like that.
So there is the menu.  Looks bigger then it is.  Pretty simple, pretty to the point, pretty much just fantastic.  Their beverages are made in house, they really do it all the right way.  Decor in this place is second to none.  I love it.  It literally yells: "come eat tacos!"
If that doesn't scream "eat tacos" then I don't know what does.  They have the games for the kids, maximizing space to make money, I love this joint.  This place is the whole package which is what makes it so special.  The food here, like I said is second to none.  They do everything right in front of you, so you know that it is fantastic.
Yes, that is a head that was cooked and they are getting the meat off to serve to you.  It really is a place that you need to go and experience.  It is really fun to watch them work.  They are all very nice and will talk to you about what they are doing and explain why and how.  I love that.  It is educational and a great place for the kids to learn how to cook.  It is important that we use the whole animal when cooking.  There is important minerals and vitamins in all the parts that we need to stay healthy.  These guys get it.  One of the most attractive things for me to see in the world is here:
Yes, that is their delicious Pastor.  Lets jump into the ratings, shall we?

 I like this stuff a lot.  They serve you with two.  They are both a 4.  They could be a 5, but they lack the complexity.  They really are the most basic thing that they do here, but obviously they do it pretty damn well.
ASADA: 4, its good.  Its above average.  Its asada.  They really do go above with the perfect cooking.  It is cooked all the way through, but it is super juicy.  Super tender and tasty.   The flavors are on point.
BARBACOA: 5, yeah, this stuff is just done right.  A goat explosion of tenderness and flavor.  It is one of, if not the best barbacoa that I've had.  It is only available on weekends.
BUCHE: 3, just average.  I think it should be slightly more crispy, but it is good stuff.  It is tender and fresh.
SUADERO: 5, holy moly.  Theirs really is top.  It is just good old fashion deliciousness.  Adam loved this stuff.  It was so on point when we were there.
CABEZA: 4, I'm a huge fan of theirs.  It is made right and good every time.
PASTOR: 5, this is a 5 with an exclamation point.  The only place that I've found that really compares is Tacos el Gordo in Chula Vista.  Theirs is off the cone, a little spicy and downright great stuff.  It is so good, you need to finish reading this and head over there to try this stuff.
Consistency is the hallmark of a great restaurant.  My employees are so tired of hearing me say that, but this place proves its true.  I've gone to and rated a number of places that on any given day can be a 5, but are often in the 2's and 3's.  They just didn't bring it those days.  These guys bring it every day, every shift, every hour.  I've never had a meal and been disappointed here, which is part of why they are in the "big 5" of all time for The Order of the Taco.  I've been to a few of their locations and they've all delivered.  I took a picture of their napkin just so you can see where their locations are in case you are going to go by today, take pictures and email them to me, tell me what you think:
Yeah, I know fancy right?  So, if you have feedback about my pictures, let me know.  I was really bad about them when the blog first started, but have really tried to make them better.  Really have them illustrate the story much better then my mindless jabber.  I have started to play with the backgrounds, colors, make them "vintage" or the other named lights and things to try to make it more exciting.  I'm always open for some feedback, so bring it on!

Before I sign off, three things.  First, thanks Adam.  You are the man.  I'm so glad that we got to hang out and got to go Tacoteering.  I appreciate you and your friendship.  I'm glad that we brought tacos home for Melissa, she loved the tacos!  Second, look for the Buck Monstrosity.  If he is there, buy him a Bucky Burrito and he will tell you what is in it so that you too can enjoy some burrito perfection.  Lastly, a gratuitous Adam shot for the road:
Yeah, the look of a taco eating champion.  It was his first time Tacoteering people, give him a round of applause!

Thanks for reading, please continue to tell your friends, re-tweet, re-post, read these things.  Stay Excellent!

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