Saturday, January 10, 2015

Jacalito Taqueria Mexicana, Miami, FL

Josh jumped up on a chair when we got to the restaurant to get the perfect photo.  You should have seen the ladies that work there run out all confused and scared.  It was fantastic.  He then explained to them that he is Spiderman.  Pretty epic moment to start off today's Tacoteering.  We decided to give Miami another shot.  Maybe we are just being too nice.
They had some really awesome hats on the wall.  These were two awesome ones.  I like it, thought it was some pretty cool ambiance.  It fit for the building and the people that work here.  Lets talk about the people that work here.  I don't think that they could have been any nicer.  Pretty sure that they are all related, which is cool.  They all worked really well together and it was great to get to be in their home.  They treated everyone with such love, care and respect.  It doesn't make up for horrible pastor, but was a nice touch.  They do not speak a word of English, but somehow Josh and I were able to make due...
Here is the menu.  Pretty neat menu.  They have a variety, but not too much.  Obviously we stuck to the tacos.  You can always judge a place by their most simple dish.  It is a foundation of who and what they are.  Plus, we really love tacos, a lot.  Pricing wasn't too bad, it was in line with the area.
This is the set up.  Nice little bowl of chips and salsa, menus are clean looking.  I like it.  Lets talk about juice.  Their is amazing juice in Miami.  We are obsessed with one juice spot that does fresh juices, but these guys do their own waters.  I couldn't help but get a refreshing maracuya.  Theirs is nice, tasty and delicious.  Very refreshing and the sweetness compliments the spicy flavors well.  I will miss being able to get maracuya, guabana and some of the other fruits that are just not indigenous to the Western US.
This is the whole restaurant.  The owner was in the midst of a mean game of candy crush, we didn't disturb her.  Well, Josh (Spiderman) did when he jumped up on their chair and roof.  It wouldn't be a trip to Miami without someone messing up our order.  We couldn't get mad, they were all so nice and apologetic.  It was very disappointing that they were out of so many meats, but that seems common in the area to just not have most of or a large portion of the menu available.  This is where my love for chalkboards comes in.  When we sat, I will say that one of the scariest moments was looking at the table.  It had regular Tabasco on it.  If you know me, you know I'm not a Tabasco hater, but come on, get some Tapatio or Valentino's on the table.  Enough about that, giddy up.
BARBACOA: 3, this was good.  It was a nice gamy type of flavor with a good soft texture, but it didn't just dissolve when you eat it.
COCHINITA: 3, pretty textbook here.  Nice touch with sticking to the pickled onions.  This area does most pork pretty well.  The lack of soft texture prevented a 4.
LENGUA: 3, nothing to write home about here.  This stuff was good, but not amazing.  I would eat it, but wouldn't rush back to get it.  There is better lengua out there my friends.
PASTOR: 2, oh this is just pissing me off.  I'm so tired of bad pastor.  This was a bit dry, there was way too much pineapple and it was sugary canned pineapple.  I just want to scream at people when they serve me bad pastor.  I really think I should be able to punish people.
CARNITAS: 3, good stuff.  It was consistent, but sure didn't blow my socks off.  They could do better.
SALSA: 2, it was spicy, which I liked, but didn't have much flavor to it, that was a bit sad.  Just no depth to it.
Pretty good looking spread.  They keep it pretty simple.  Tortillas are not too thick or too much, but they are solid.  Looking at the ratings, not too bad of a place.  I don't plan on ever going back, but I'm not filled with rage and anger like many other places that we've been to for tacos around here.  Pastor, why can't anyone in Miami make it?  It is killing me.  I just want pastor so bad right now.  We are trying to find it, we are giving everyone an opportunity to get it right, but no one is.  I just don't get it.  I can teach people?  Should I move to Miami for a few months and just teach everyone how to make pastor and carne asada?  It seems that this is a necessary thing.  Maybe people would be happier here.  Maybe driver's would be less aggressive because they got to enjoy pastor.  I am really thinking about it.

Thanks again to everyone for reading, posting, tweeting and all of that stuff.  Great readers lately.  I hope that if you are not, you look up Order of the Taco on Instagram and Twitter.  Up to date taco pics and places.  Please let me know if there is anywhere you think I need to get to, I love suggestions.  We're in Miami for a few more days, back in LA for one day then heading to New Brunswick, NJ and probably a day in NYC!  Have a target on a place in Harlem, hoping to get there one night.

Today's gratuitous/goodbye photo is of the flowers on the table.  They were just so beautiful.  The flowers really helped make the place look even more great.  They were fresh and smelled wonderful.  Made me think of all of the roses at my house.
Stay Excellent!

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