Thursday, April 30, 2015

Tom's Tacos, Torrance, CA

Seeing "The Original" on here throws me off a bit.  Tom's is a Tito's rip off.  It is hands down a carbon copy print almost of the infamous Tito's.  One of their big claims to fame is Tito's with no lard.  Let me remind you that there is a huge debate out there if lard is really "bad" for you.  I stay out of it and stick to flavor and service.  One way or another, this place is a pretty good option if you are in the market for a good hard shelled taco.  I know what you are thinking, "I rarely want one, I enjoy street tacos just like the guys in the Order of the Taco."  Every once in a while, these places have a time and a place.  I also figure that it was a Tuesday, so why not branch out on a "Taco Tuesday?"
We'll zoom in a bit more on the menu in a moment, but want you to get a good visual of the restaurant.  The guy behind the counter has to be Tom.  I don't know if I've met a nicer or cooler dude.  He was awesome to every single person that came near the restaurant.  His attitude alone made me enjoy the meal that much better.  He invited us in, as he did everyone, and thanked us and invited us back.  Really cool dude.  Great community support displayed in the restaurant which I enjoyed seeing.  
Little bit closer up on the menu.  You can see the awesome simplicity and honing in on the specialty.  Love it!  They keep it simple with the cups, decor, everything.  I think that it all fits perfectly.  I can't say enough good things about all of that.  
BEEF: 2,
 this was hard to give a 2 to.  It wasn't horrible, but just not that good.  It was a bit too blah for me.  Lacked the flavor, lacked the fun.
CHICKEN: 3, so this was about to be a 4.  I am sticking with a 3, because of the style of taco as it is not a true street taco which is the focus, as if you didn't know.  The chicken was pretty good.  It tasted great in the taco, looked great and I thought it was an impressive option.  If you stick with this when you come in, you will be a happy person, if you are looking for this type of taco.
SUPER NACHOS: 3, what a generous, filling, good portion.  The flavor was not too bad.  It was pretty average, a Chili Colorado type of flavor going for itself.  The cheese is pretty cool and the beans are runny, but again, this is the place we chose and they deliver on their niche.  
SALSA: 3, it would not get a 3 many places, but for this place, it is perfect.  The flavor matches what they are doing and it is good for dipping and goes well with their style of tacos.
Not a powerful force of a spread, but good just the same.  The salsa is alright, nothing to write home about, but it was a cool touch.  The nachos were surprisingly big and the portions were generous all the way around.  They know who they are and I really like that.  They don't try to do anything that is off the reservation or different.  The food is not bad, I would go again, stick with the chicken tacos and be quite happy, that is if I'm not overwhelmed by my burning desire for street tacos.  

Thanks to all for reading, trying to get some good taco diversity here and make sure you see and know all the options that are out there for you.  Southern California is a taco lovers paradise, don't miss out on all the flavors and things that you can try.  Don't be silly and not recommend your favorite place/places to me.  I want to go, I want to try, I want to enjoy with you or tell you about how great it is!  We are fortunate for our SoCal Tacos, take advantage with me.

Today's goodbye/gratuitous photo is of my daughter Eleni.  She is currently four, about to turn five.  I took her to school since Melissa was volunteered at the Church this fine morning.  We got there a few minutes early and walked through the rose and prayer garden at her school.  It was a blast for both of us.  We took a bunch of photos of here running through the garden, by the fountain and up on the bridge.  It was a really nice time.  She told me stories, made plans for us to go to the park, it was one of those moments that I was so fortunate to enjoy.  
Stay Excellent!

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