Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Tacos Al Carbon, Lake Worth, FL

What a great message for kids to hear.  I mean, is there anything that rings more true?  Is this from Confucius?  Socrates?  Plato?  Sadly, the tacos are not as good here as the sign is.  This place came so highly recommended by so many folks that we ran into.  Here's the back story.  The people of West Palm Beach have been duped.  These guys started with a truck, it grew into a covered tent in front of the truck and then it broke my heart.
This is the original, this is what you walk up to after parking in a dirt parking lot.  Ya know, it's so sad, the dirt parking lot, looking at this when you get out of that rental car gets you excited.  I mean, the place shows some serious promise.
They had some other stuff, but this is the tacos, the important part.  Someone in our outfit tried the nachos and it was the Smart and Final nacho cheese.  There were just some interesting things that this truck does.  Really, I think that they might have been better, but seem to have lost their way.
Here are some upgrades to the menu.  I love the up-selling approach in restaurants, but think this one leaves much to be desired.  I'm sure that you can better use a piece of paper and maybe make the upgrades sound a bit more appealing.
Here's the crew ordering.  They are so funny and excited.  It is great to see Tacoteers in their element.
This is the water station.  I went for the watermelon and it was just OK.  Really nothing too tasty or delicious.  It made me sad thinking about places in Miami, not too far away, and El Placio de los Jugos, or many of the amazing places in California.
BARBACOA: 2, being that this is the only truly identifiable "meat" I gave it a 3.  It was OK for barbacoa, oh heck, I'm trying to hard, just changed it to a 2 like it deserves.
CHICHARRON: 2, well, this soft, tasteless delight.  I can't make it sound OK, sorry, not good.
PASTOR, BISTEK, ASADA, CARNITAS, FAJITA:  1, what the heck?????  So Josh and I make sure that we are trying everything.  Well, all of these were the same.  The individual working there tried to explain to me which one was which, but they all tasted the same.  There was some slight variations in how they looked, but really?  You can't diversify enough to give people a meal, an experience, an option?  Just put "Beef Like and Pork Like" on the menu and stop deceiving people.  You are not impressing me or anyone else.  This was like a sick joke or a prank that went way too far!  Knock it off and make some tacos.
I think back to the opening photo and I've never been the one to do drugs, I'll tell you that the deceit of this place made me feel like I was on drugs.  What is wrong with them?  I was getting teary eyed trying to wonder how someone could do this to taco lovers everywhere.  I was then more concerned that people were showing up for it.  Look at this photo, can you tell them apart?  Of course you can't.  Those jalapenos were extra???  Insanity!  Lets take this a step further, everything for them is not onions and cilantro, they want to throw cheese and tomatoes on everything!  Gee, what you covering up steak central???  Your tortillas are too thick and chewy and all the meat tastes the same.  Damn I'm still fired up about this and this was three countries and a week ago.  I'm fine with cheese on a taco if your place fits it.  For example, Tito's in Culver City, that makes sense.  This does NOT!
I tried to take a step back and I look at this picture and am reminded, it's not what or where you eat but who you eat with.  I'm on a long, crazy trip and I do miss the family, but this crew was pretty great to dine with.  Amberlin is on the far end with her cool pink hair.  Cyle, yes, he misspells it that way is next to her and y'all know Fo.  Said goodbye to Fo the other day when I left Florida.  It was tough, really going to miss that guy.  I love and appreciate Fo and all of the adventures that we've had.  His haircut sucks here, but Josh fixed it a night later.  On the other end is Cathy she wanted to avoid the camera.  Next to her is Delaney.  She is another new one to the blog with Amberlin and Cyle.  Josh is of course on the end and beginning and the real end of this blog.

New Tacoteers are always fun.  It is great to see them try to get their taco footing.  I do wish that I had more time to groom these folks in the way and get them to try new tacos and enjoy the taco experiences that are out there.  It is like teaching a kid how to walk, pretty fun stuff with great rewards of pride and happiness.  I remember just a few weeks ago watching Cassie order.  She even got the good stuff, not just Asada and Pollo.  I'm getting teary eyed with happiness thinking back with my Tacographic Memory.

Special thanks to the three new Tacoteers in this blog.  I hope that everyone enjoyed this read and is out there eating tacos somewhere.  Please keep reading, telling people and eating tacos.  Next blog will be about Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.  Eat tacos and have a great day.  If you are in California, please go eat a taco for me.  Post it, tag Order of the Taco.  I miss California tacos and California Tacoteering.

Today's goodbye/gratuitous photo is the way this blog started, with Josh and me.  We are posing in front of the Palm Beach Gardens Mall.  We were doing our last domestic opening together.  Somehow this journey continues for me, Josh and I are doing Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with our man JJ, then we head straight to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to open their second location.  Lucky to have such a great friend when traveling like this.  It also just feels right to finish the blog with the same two guys that appear in the opening picture.
Stay Excellent!

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