Friday, June 5, 2015

Taqueria La Hacienda, Phoenix, AZ

This is what it looked like when we got out of the car.  Bright lights, a truck, people lining up and now insert some true Tacoteers.
We walked up like normal people, well, all of us except for Diane who was really excited.  This place is unique.  The cover was not built for the taco truck, but fits pretty darn well.  tables are lined up, chairs were some of the worst folding chairs I've been in, but oh well, we didn't go for the chairs.  I know what you are wondering, who is that strikingly handsome man standing next to Diane?  Let me introduce you to Jimbo.  Jim is the VP of Operations for one of the franchisees and he is one heck of a dude.  One of the nicest, genuine, knowledgeable people I've had the pleasure of working with.  Roxy looks lost, JJ looks scared and the other dude looks stoned in his tie-die shirt.  I don't know him, even if I did, I'd make sure to forget him.
Look at the excitement of Big Jim and Yellow Chocolate.  I can't say what Phil is laughing at, but I'm happy that he is happy.  Jim was a champ on his first Tacoteering adventure.  I will say that he traveled quite a distance to go for tacos with us.  He lives in Anchorage, Alaska.  He must really like tacos because I think the only reason that he came to AZ was to go Tacoteering with us.
There is the menu.  Yes, that's the whole thing, and you know I'm digging it.  Keeping it real, keeping it simple.  Place is set-up nicely to execute a fabulous menu like this.  Here is how it has been recived by our team:
Cassie couldn't stop chowing down.  Nicole had to make a hair appointment.
Diane and Roxy are mouthful eating and Phil is clearly judging them.
Now Diane is talking with her mouthful to Phil and Roxy is still eating.
I didn't want to embarrass JJ anymore than he already is embarrassed on this trip.  I mean, who wears a Giants hat?  Sad...This is the picture of JJ that you get, for now at least.

So, what's everyone eating?
 I love me some tripa.  This stuff wasn't too shabby.  It was left in pretty big pieces which I'm great with, would have liked a little more char, slightly more cooking with this one would have pushed it over the edge to that coveted 4.
CHICHARRON: 1, eww.  It was just burnt, nasty burnt pieces of meat, if it was meat.  It tasted like carbon it was so burnt.  Don't order it unless you like to eat things that suck.
BUCHE: 4, this won me over.  Tasty, tasty stuff.  Flavors were on point, presentation was good.  I have no complaints.  It was cooked pretty well, but wasn't overdone.  It has a nice salty flavor to it with some subtle pepper flavor on there.
CABEZA: 3, this was not too bad.  It was good, not slimy or under cooked, not crispy or burnt.  The lack of seasoning hurt them, but a little salt and salsa did the trick.
LENGUA: 3, this is a buy the book lengua.  Not shredded, but small pieces, good flavor, pretty salty, but not over salted.  Worth trying, I'd stick happily with this if I was a lengua beginner.
ASADA: 3, textbook stuff here.  They did nothing different from the basics that you would expect in the asada realm.
PASTOR: 3, this made me homesick for real pastor.  I mean the good stuff that I rarely find outside of Southern California.  It was fine, nothing bad, nothing to complain about, but it didn't blow my mind, and I love it when pastor does this.
CERVICHE: 2, maybe I'm a cerviche snob, but this was unimpressive.  It didn't have the flavor, texture or depth.
SALSAS: 3, this was basic average stuff.  Nothing amazing, nothing that was bad.  It was some fairly bland flavors, not spicy enough, but not bad.
That's the spread right there.  Those serranos were so delicious.  They really might have been my favorite part.  Tortillas at this place were good.  A bit tough, but not bad.  They stood up well to all of the meats, but could have had a sweeter flavor.  I would say to check this place out if you are in the area.  The ambiance is pretty great.  The food is not too shabby.  If I find myself in the area soon, I'll probably go back unless I get lured away by some gorgeous tacos from somewhere else.
This is our group eating together.  It was great to break tortillas with these guys.  I've done a lot of openings over the last few years and there are a few on here that I've gotten to do a few openings with.  It was great to get them in the blog one more time.  Nicole is in two blogs in a row, so is Phil, but that's fairly common for Yellow Chocolate.  I do love having a first timer in Jim and am glad that JJ is back in the blog.  He's a hell of a Tacoteer, friend and traveling buddy.
This is a blurry picture of the moon.  I put this on here for no reason at all.

Special thanks to the training team.  The fact that they continue to indulge me on these taco adventures means a tremendous amount to me and it is going to be something I'm really going to miss with the possible changes coming up in my life.  Thank you to Jim for joining the blog and Nicole for being two in a row!  As always thanks to everyone for reading, posting, re-posting, re-tweeting and telling their friends.

Today's gratuitous/goodbye photo is of Nicole and Yellow Chocolate.  These two have been part of the Home Office team for a little over a year and I've had the pleasure of being on their team.  They are amazing friends that I love and respect so much.  Their talents, hard work and dedication to the greater good is beyond awesome.  Getting to have the two of them with me on the first half of this final long trip is pretty special.  The photo is of them after the tacos.  They went to BK to get some soft serve.  I went for the walk and entertainment.  A true reminder it's not what or where you are eating, but who you are eating with.
Stay Excellent!

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