Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Midtown Taqueria, Houston, TX, CRISIS ALERT

 Here's the deal, if you see this place, leave the area.  Seriously, wow.  We needed a good breakfast this morning, and a pick me up after last nights disappointing Tacoteering.  Well, this place looks promising.  As we all find out the hard way, looks can be deceiving.

Houston, I repeat, you have a problem.  Not a minor problem, a major problem.  You are the fourth largest city in the US.  You have a vibrant Hispanic population.  How do you not know how to make tacos?  Do you need lessons on how to make salsa?  Do you know that when Pastor was invented not all that long ago that it was first made on a cone?  Seriously.  Get rid of your cheap steam tables, lose the judgmental, rude people that are serving your food.  Change the attitude.  When she saw me, she immediately made a taco with beef fajitas?  Really?  What a racist witch.  I never thought I'd miss San Antonio or even Dallas so much.  At least the know how to make some great tacos.  They've got some great guisado prow-less there in San Antonio.

If you haven't caught the drift, not a Houston fan.  I do have to say thanks to Houston for taking Dwight Howard, I'm a huge Laker fan, so thank you.  We didn't need him messing up our locker room anymore.  So lets talk about this place.  They were so nice to Ramon.  I get it, he is a pretty, nice, sweet, horse loving person, but don't be so nice to the person I'm with and so rude to me.  FYI, I speak Spanish lady!  Super rude and judgmental and this is not the first time here in Houston.  So we order, pay and go back to get our food from this cafeteria style lunch table.  They make their own flour tortillas, they just don't do it well.  The corn tortillas are out of a pack and not a good one.  The variety is okay, the menu is below.

So, they have tortas, I'm afraid to taste how they'd ruin those for me.  Prices were way to high.  Serious, at $1.69 a taco, I feel as if I was robbed by a tank in the middle of downtown Chicago.  Horrid feeling of loss after eating.  Did we finish our food, no, no we didn't.  Do we feel miserable still a little later in the day, yes.  The food was so greasy, the Carnitas might be the worst I've had.  It was worse then ketchup on a hot dog.  Here is the sad picture of our defeat.

PAPAS: 2, no seasoning and cooked in the fat from I'm guessing the Carnitas, I love taco de papas, I am sick from how they made me feel about potatoes
PASTOR: 1, this is not okay.  This is pastor crisis bad.  I think they need to change the name of what they call this.  It was one level left of slop.  An aciote mess.  Flavors were off, meat was dry.  Please, don't call this pastor.  Pastor has a well deserved great reputation, you are ruining it.
CARNITAS: 1, again, please call it something different.  Try inedible pork, nasty greasy mess, how about ruined pig?  I don't know, but you need a name that suits and describes it better.
SALSA ROJO: 1, balance?  Not here.  This stuff sucked.
SALSA VERDE: 2, I know, the highlight of the trip was a runny, subpar salsa.

Thank goodness for Ramon.  When facing a tragedy like this, it is always helpful to have someone share in the misery and sorrow.  I'm thankful that this is not his first true Tacoteering excursion.  I apologize for my last post.  It wasn't very good.  I was tired.  Tired of bad taco experiences.  Sad from the horrible food I had last night.  Sadly, today was much worse.  Posts should be a better read, even when the food is not.

Houston, you have a problem, admit it, go to a program, learn how to cook and serve, make edible food and I'll give you another shot in the next few months.  I'm sad to report, probably won't eat tacos again before I leave today.  Thanks to anyone who is reading, stay away from Houston taquerias and Stay Excellent.

1 comment:

  1. my prayers are with you and houston, fellow tacoteer
