Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Curvy Journey, a Story of Tacos and Friendship

One photo on today's blog.  Last night was a different kind of a journey, what a great outcome.  Brandon, an original member, is a great friend.  I think to the day that I met Brandon.  We hit it off the second we laid eyes on each other.  We knew we would be great friends.  Brandon is an upstanding friend, an amazing brother, great son and one heck of a great friend.  Brandon and I hang every chance that we get.  We will just sit around, enjoy a cigar, go for a swim, hang at a random Dodger game we are both at, point is, any chance we get, but I again repeat myself.  

Brandon asked me to do some Tacoteering this week.  Why not?  Great friend and some tacos?  Yeah, I'm in.  Well, one thing after another has been delaying and preventing.  So much that things were coming up and I was on my phone on the freeway, on the way to Brandon's house.  Did I almost cancel?  Yeah, I almost did.  I mean, it is crazy busy at work, there is a ton going on outside of work and situations arose that needed attention.  I pulled up to Brandon's place, parked the bike and he was in the doorway.  I saw him and knew, I wasn't cancelling.  We chatted.  We spent a few minutes just exchanging pleasantries of life.  True small talk.  With the impending list of things I had to do, we jumped in his Audi and headed to Sylmar.  We had a specific place in mind.  We got there pretty fast, which was great, I was damn hungry.  Anyways, the place was closed and had been taken over by the sometimes over developed Carnitas Michocan.  Here is my thought on that place.  It can be a 10 or a 2.  Some of them are so good.  Some of them suck more then a drunk cheerleader at a college party.  We were not going to chance it.  We started driving and talking.  It really hit me, this was a special night with a special friend.  A distraction from the stress, a one evening vacation from the pressures we all work with in life.  It didn't matter where we were going, it mattered who we were with.

I reached into my Tacographic Memory and asked myself if there was a "special occasion" place around we could enjoy.  Honestly, yes, there was.  El Faro.  A true gem of a place.  A shining light that brightens the gleam in my eyes with a thought of their meat and salsas.  If you haven't read about El Faro, you are missing out about a great journey.  If you haven't been, get on your motorcycle and go.  This place is great.  We drove over to El Faro and walked in at the right time.

We walked straight up to the counter and got a few of each taco.  We got our peppers and salsas from the salsa bar and grabbed a seat.  As soon as we sat down, there was a line out the door!  We got our tacos and one by one attacked.  We shared one of the tastiest meals in the world.  It was only superseded by the great company that we enjoyed.  I often tell the people that I work with, it is not always who people are, but what we bring out in them.  Brandon brings out great things in me, and me in him.  We shared conversations about love, life, work and happiness.  We are both fortunate to have the ladies in our respective lives that we do.  We are both fortunate to have jobs we love.  We both have great love for our families and are so grateful to have them in our lives.  The great friendship and time just enhanced the amazing food that we were fortunate enough to enjoy.

A great evening reminded me of how fortunate I am to have great people in my life.  It was a recharge of the power of positive thinking.  It put me in the right state of mind to approach the duties I had later in the evening.  I thank all of the friends that I have out there, especially those who were original members.  The Buck Monstrosity, Chris, Nate, James, Paul and Mike.  I need to give a special shout out to Ramon who does a great amount of Tacoteering with me as we go on work adventures together.  Brandon, you are a great man and a great friend.  I appreciate the time that we get together and look forward to Tacoteering with you soon.  I will say, with the threats I've received from Melissa and Allison, we are bringing them next time!

This is Brandon and I at Bucky and Kari's wedding.

Thanks for reading everyone, I know this was a bit different.  The ratings stay the same as last time I went.  We had a few more meats, none disappointed and nothing got below a 4 for us.  Hope you enjoy a different blog this time, I'll be back to normal Tacoteering and writing hopefully by the end of the weekend.  Remember, it is about the journey and not necessarily where you eat, but who you get to do it with.  Stay Excellent everyone!

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