Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Lucha Libre, San Diego, CA

Yesterday morning Dolly, my beard and I rode down the 5 to beautiful San Diego for the next 9 to 12 Days.  Ramon and I are going to be opening a The Counter here in the San Diego Airport.  The ride down was nice, settling in here wasn't too shabby.  I've been sent a lot of places over the years, San Diego is one of the better ones.  I have these views from the room's patio:

San Diego also is the resting place of the Great Buck Monstrosity.  If you don't know, I'm a huge fan of The Monstrosity.  I will get some great tacos with him prior to my exit of this fair city.  In case you want to say hi to the Monstrosity and you are not sure if you've seen him, I'll provide a picture below.  The hot chick in the picture is his lovely wife, so don't stare at her, just say hi, uncomfortably shake her hand and keep walking.  The hot dude in the picture is the Monstrosity.  You can call him Mr Bucky, Mr Monstrosity or sir when you see him:

Now that you know where I am, what I'm doing and who I'm with, please get all of your Ron Burgundy jokes out of the way.  I know, most of you have never been to the great city of San Diego, saw it on a movie and you feel a connection.  It's deep, its meaningful and I'm glad that you get to share that bond.  

So on a suggestion, since we didn't have much time yesterday, we hit up Lucha Libre.  I love the WWF or E or whatever letter they put after it now, however a Mexican restaurant with a fake wrestling theme, again, movie connection here, is not for me.  I will apologize in advance for the photos below.  First, they are not to scale, second, they are just not good.  I don't have a good reason why, they just suck.  

Yes, that is a blurry picture of the menu board.  I know, I thought the same thing and I did say it to Ramon, "why are we here?  The menu is way too big."  Size does matter, in this case, we do not need a fancy board with a bunch of crap on it.  Do what you do well and own it.  The taco world is a simple world.  This place is, I'm guessing busy and does pretty well, but not great judging by the comments made by folks around us and the lack of real pop while we were there.  So the girl working the register is great.  Full of attitude, no excuses, she was pretty damn funny.  You know the type, nice girl, great personality, all her friends like her, maybe she drives a Camaro, I don't really know or care.  There is a lot to choose from.  They have all the "clever" names associated with each burrito, taco and other assortment of stuff that they have.  I'd go through them with you, but I don't think you care, if you do, sorry, I really don't.  Ramon and I ordered a spread of stuff and were really disappointed in the pricing.  This place is priced way too high.  Yeah, not cool.  We figured we'd divide, conquer, judge, leave.  FYI:  rolled tacos means cheap ass taquitos from the freezer section at your local super market.  Don't misunderstand me, those have their place, but not in a taco joint calling them "rolled tacos."  We made our way to the salsa bar.  This was the highlight of this trip.  What a treat.  I almost smiled thinking of their salsas.  

Nice variety, great flavors, some things off the grid, I dig it.  Great use of cucumber in salsa.  I need to incorporate more cucumber.  My father in law does a great job of that, me falling short, but not for much longer.  Watch as I caught Ramon in action.  He skillfully puts salsa into a plastic 2 oz souffle cup.  Remember folks, he gets paid to do the at The Counter:

A true master of his craft in his cute little Ninja Turtles T-Shirt.

So as we look around the restaurant we see all sorts of colors.  I mean bright ones, with wrestling masks and pictures and of course like 8 photos of Ron Burgundy.  This place is a "themed" restaurant.  The only theme I look for is great product.  For this I was let down.  

We chatted, ate the nasty chips, again cheap super market chips and enjoyed it with the most excellent salsas.  Really loved the salsas.  We compared and contrasted them, some were better then others.  We did avoid eye contact with everyone in there.  Lots of yuppies.  Finally, not too long, the food came and we jumped right in.

Lets cut the crap and get to the rankings.

ADOBADA: 3, not bad, not good, but not bad.  Seasoning was good, meat was ok.  I would eat it.  I wouldn't be psyched, but I wouldn't feel force fed.
ASADA: 2, I don't know what they were thinking or if they were.  It looked like asada but, yeah, it sucked more then a high school cheerleader with daddy issues.
TACO de PAPA: 1, can anyone say freezer burn?  Yeah, this was more awkward then me in a bikini.  
NACHOS: 4ish, they were layered nice with the right stuff on there, but the stuff on there was just ok.  Yeah, I want to like them to be a true 4, but the are probably closer to a 3.
POLLO con MOLE: 2, mole was too sweet, but good.  Chicken was too tough.  Morale of the story is they know how to make sauce, that is it.
FRENCH FRY TACO: 1, I still don't know why Ramon ordered this, but it is a waste of time rip off. This thing was cheaper then a Tijuana hooker, avoid.
SALSA: 4, fell short of a 5 because some of them kind of sucked. Overall, they were good.  You should check them out and pick what you liked.  Best flavors of the trip.
"GUACAMOLE:" 0, have I ever given a zero?  I don't believe in them.  1 is the lowest.  Quotation marks.  Yeah, this stuff was not made with real avocados.  It might have been guacamole flavored toothpaste.  I'm really not sure.  I have some little zingers to describe, but they are just way too inappropriate and I don't want to deter any readers.  Don't let them put this on your plate, anyone who reads this deserves better.

Not a huge fan.  Lots out of bags here.  I mean it really kind of sucked.  Ramon's company kept me a float.  I know San Diego has some amazing spots and that is going to happen.  This was just a poor choice by blinded mice.  We will prevail.  We will enjoy the taco greatness that SD has to offer.  Thanks as always for reading, until next time, Stay Excellent.

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