Friday, October 11, 2013

Tacos El Guero, Almost Tijuana, CA

After a fun filled day of training some great new folks for the San Diego Airport location, I headed back to the hotel, grabbed my jacket and jumped on Dolly.  It's my birthday and I need some tacos.  Do I wish that I was with Melissa, the kids and some friends?  Yes, of course, but we have to make due with what we have.  The day was truly pretty rough, but this is what I drove up to:

Yes, that is taken from my bike.  Pretty excited to see this out open in front of the place.  I was sent towards this place by my beautiful BFF Nikki:

Yes, she goes to Crossfit.  She is a taco eating beast.  She has guided me to a few of the places that we've been to on this blog.  She probably wants a different picture up, but if I put this sentence another way it is more fun.  For example, "she probably wants another picture up."

This is her at Easter this year.  The attractive man next to her is her forever boyfriend.  A brave Federal Fire Fighter, Matt.  So Nikki knows her tacos.  She knows how to find great places.

The place is quick.  Food comes out quick and right.  Flavors are great.  Really great.  It is right at two miles from the border right off the 5 freeway.  The place is pretty popular.  I looked it up and read things about the shadiness of the neighborhood.  I wouldn't say go down there by yourself at night, but the place is not too bad.  Definitely not a "family" restaurant or area.

Place was good.  I would go back.  Flavors are a bit different then your normal LA or SD flavors.  Salsa bar was nice.  Not too much, but enough.  Perfect as a matter of fact.

 this was one of the spiciest things I've ever eaten.  It was really hot.  Tasty though.  I did like it quite a bit, obviously.
VERDE: 4, this stuff was tasty.  Kind of sweet, kind of spice in there, all around tastiness.  Liked it.
ROJO: 3, I like this stuff.  It really was great, but not "amazing."  Anyhow, it scores a solid 3.
ASADA: 3, hard to make me go higher then a three.  This stuff was solid, not too bad.  It almost got a 4, they put a green creamy salsa on there, just for the Asada.
LENGUA: 2, yeah, this was the one lower point of the trip.  Cut into pieces that were too big and not quite as tender as it should have been.  Not horrible, but left something to be desired.
PAPAS: 5, sorry El Atacor, it beat you out.  Really a big good taco.  Some of the best $.99 I've spent.  Kind of sad I didn't get a second one.
CARNITAS: 4, so it could have been a 5.  It was left on the flat top too long when they warmed it up.  Anyways, it was good.  Moist, flavorful, I liked it a tremendous amount.
CABEZA: 3, good, nice stuff.  Didn't blow me away, but was really good.  Not too chewy, a little bit crisp.  They know how to cook cabeza and I appreciate that.
PASTOR: 4, I know, the pride of the place.  Why isn't it a 5?  The creamy green salsa/sauce esque thing that they put on.  It was good, but their pastor is so damn good, it needs no distractions.  I would say order it with the sauce on the side and get a 5 of an experience.  

This place is a good old fashioned fun taqueria.  Food was good, different, fun.  I had a great ride down there on the bike.  Smelled the ocean air for part of the ride each way.  I have to say it was a nice birthday dinner.

Thanks again to my BFF Nikki, I appreciate you and love you and your suggestions.  I guess that is the moral of this story.  Great friends can be with you whether or not you are with them.  I'm lucky to have the great friends that I have and appreciate the wonderful folks that are in my life.  Nikki, I'm taking you out for some tacos soon.  Thanks everyone for reading, one more picture of Nikki below, Stay Excellent All!

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