Friday, September 13, 2013


So I was driving through LA the other night after a long day at work.  Where to go for dinner.  I just let Dolly guide me through the chilly night on the bike.  Late nights all week have prevented Tacoteering and writing about it.  I was not going to let anything get in the way of my Taco Destiny.  I can tell you that Taco Destiny took me to Little Armenia which is a part of Hollywood if you are unfamiliar.  I will be back in the area.  Right off of Western, North of the 101, there is a number of great trucks lined up and some promising looking restaurants.

I loved the smells driving through LA that night.  Smell is the sense that triggers memory the best.  It did for me.  The air was cool, there was a light mist.  Traffic wasn't too bad.  Food was everywhere, at least I could smell it.  I smelled Mediterranean, Mexican, burgers, I mean it was just one great thought after another.  Pulling into this parking lot was no accident.  It was true Taco Destiny.  I was going to stop at one of the trucks I passed, but it was a little cool on the bike and I didn't have a sweater or jacket.  I thought it might be nice to sit down.  The place looked big enough to sit, but small enough not to compromise quality by buying into "main stream" crap.

When you walk in, you won't be disappointed.  Decor is simple, pretty cool.  I dig it.  There is NO English spoken in here.  The lady working the front spoke not one word.  At least she acted like she didn't.  Another table spoke very little Spanish, so another table translated to her.  It was part of the entertainment for me.  The menu was a lot more extensive then I had anticipated.  They have a ton of great things.  It was hard not to get the real goat Barbacoa.  It was tempting, but I stuck to the "street tacos."  Large tortillas.  They were some damn huge tacos.  The options meat wise were good.  Nice stuff.  I went with the norms.  I love cecina, as I'm sure you've seen in past blogs, I was excited to see that they made it.  They serve you chips, which were pretty good.  The salsa they serve is fantastic.  Smoky, spicy, yummy. I liked it a lot.  Dried chiles that were hydrated perfectly then blended with cooked tomatoes and onions, really nicely done.

, I love tasajo, done right.  They were WAY off here.  So much cinnamon and clove, two things I'm normally a fan of.  They were way heavy handed.
CABEZA: 3, good, but a little chewy.  Not bad enough to drop a point, but not good enough to hit a 4.  They marinate it with lime and it really seemed to bring out some good flavors.
POLLO: 4, shocker!  I was really into it.  Boiled, then sauteed.  It had crispy edges and was not at all dry.  I would get this daily if available.
CECINA: 4, tender, cooked to perfection.  I loved it.  I saw asada at the table next to me and was even more excited with myself for my choice to go with the cecina.  It is so good.  Salty and sweet. Check it out if you are driving through Hollywood.
SALSA: 4, I talked about it a bunch just above.  I really think they did a nice job here, and for this I'm thankful.

I drove by so many places, Dodger Stadium, thumbs up to the Dodgers!  Through a good part of LA.  I got through quick.  I almost stopped at a number of places.  I'm glad that this place was the stop.  Not the best I've been to.  It is no Los Cinco Puntos, it's not Rincon Taurino, not even close to El Faro, but good.  If you are in that part of Hollywood, stop by, tell them the Order sent you.

Thanks everyone for reading, hope you have a fantastic weekend, hopefully writing from Houston next week!  Stay Excellent

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