Sunday, March 30, 2014

Taco Beach Shack, Hollywood Beach, FL

I think when you drive by, you know whats up.  Met up with Kreg, the General Manager for The Counter in Aventura, FL.  It was dinner time after a long trip.  I was flying out of Miami early the next day, but before I left, taco time.  Still recouping from a rough taco bout in New Jersey, I was in need of great tacos.  I was pining for a California taco.  I settled, happily for some true Florida beach tacos.  This place epitomizes Florida tacos and bars.  It was pretty cool.  So cliche that I was laughing and entertained by the women in roller blades that were going up and down the street.
I know, I almost went to the Greek place across the street.  It looked good.  I could go for a great Gyro right about now.  But, back to this taco place.  They are pretty interesting, pretty strong following.  The location is fantastic.  They do live music and all of the things that you can imagine should be done in a Florida beach restaurant.  Here's the ugly, the pricing.  I think it was a bit high.  That's fine, it works for them, but not so much for me.  The parking is horrid.  I mean really damn horrid.  It is non existent.  The bar that they have is awesome.  They have some great local brews and some neat craft beers on tap.  The bartender was awesome.
The set-up of this place is great, have I said that?  If I had a Florida restaurant with my name on it, I'd want this set-up.  The menu for here is pretty neat.  They stick with what you should probably expect for Florida Tacoteering.
I know, I need to come back and hit up $1 tacos for happy hour!  That is the way to do it.  Kreg and I got a variety of stuff and just attacked and shared.  We had some pretty interesting stuff.  Here is the menu opened up if you want to see all that they have.
 this was tough, not very good.  I was disapointed to say the least.  They advertise as a 12 hour smoke, but that can't be right, or they have way too much heat on that meat, it was really tough, flavorless, no smoke ring, I'll just stop, I don't want this to turn into a burn.
SHRIMP: 5, this was about as nicely done as you can get with a shrimp taco.  The mango salsa was on point.  It was a great find that I'm happy I got to be a part of.
MAHI: 3, it is what you would expect.  It was good, but nothing amazing.  We went with the regular Mahi because it was grilled.  If you get the "Baja Style" it will be deep fried.
CHICKEN: 4, this might have been the surprise of the day for me.  It was great.  Nicely grilled chicken that was well seasoned, tender and damn tasty.
CALAMARI: 4, yes.  This was good.  This was right on point, lightly battered, fried, but tender and great.  Very happy with this selection.
KOREAN SHORT RIB: 3, this would have been a 4, but was just a bit too sweet for my beard and me.  It was good, I would say order it, but don't get overly excited like I did.
SALSA: 3, it was pretty run of the mill.  Not bad, not great.
HABANERO SALSA: 4, oh I liked this almost too much.  Very good stuff.  Nicely done.  It was good, spicy, creamy and delicious.
GUACAMOLE: 2, please don't waste your time with this.  It is just not good.  Full of filler, missing the citrus.  Yeah, no bueno!
That is the spread, not too bad.  This trip was a long time coming.  Kreg spent four weeks in SoCal, but my travel schedule and work prevented us from going Tacoteering together.  We wanted to go when I was in Florida a few weeks ago, but we were crazy busy getting his restaurant open.  We finally went and it was a blast.  Heck of a restaurateur and I'm glad we were able to catch up and enjoy some tacos.  Check this place out, it is worth it.  The ambiance is great, the food is good, the beer selection is on point.  Today's goodbye photo is Kreg and me.
Stay Excellent!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Salsa Fiesta, Aventura, FL

This is almost a different blog today.  Why?  Because it has to fit the spot.  Salsa Fiesta, it is a fresh, all natural, good for you kind of taco place.  Lets really get to it, did I love the place, no.  But its because it was not what I'm looking for.  Let me tell you something, the people that work here are the nicest, most knowledgeable, genuine people.  The place is clean.  It is really something.  This is the kind of place that I'd take a wife on a date to if she wasn't cool enough to like taquerias.  It is a bit yuppy for my palate.  Let me say that this is a great starter place if you are just beginning your taco journey to taco excellence.  I have minimal pictures.  I have few things to really say, it wasn't bad, but just not my cup of tea.  Why did I go?  Why am I writing about it?  The following.  The people of Aventura LOVE this place, and it makes sense if you know the people who live here.  There is a ton of money, there is a certain person who lives here and this place really fits the bill for them.  So for that, I say nicely done.  The menu is cool, lots of options, too many for a cilantro and onions guy like me:
I want to point out that this was a quick bit for lunch, I'm planning on more Tacoteering this evening.  I've been working non stop, no days, nights off, many things to do, the taco release is what I need.  If I were to go back, I'd probably hit up the nachos.  I saw a few other people eating them, they look pretty damn rad.  They look like the thing that you go share with your old lady for a good time.  So, why the necessary Tacoteering?  I've been everywhere and just flew down here from New Jersey, and I will go Tacoteering again in NJ, but just couldn't do it the week after my last few NJ visits.  I'm seriously pining for some Los Angeles, CA Tacoteeering with the crew.  I need me some Monstrosity, some Brandon, Chris, Paulie, Nate, James, Mike, everyone!  I need the taco masters that I know and eat with.  I need to go sneak away with Ramon, Amber, Phil and Shinho and enjoy some tacos.  Yeah, I'm jonesing for those experiences right now.  Maybe a romantic Tacoteering date with the wife?  Quick trip with the kids or Papou?  Alright, enough, lets talk about this Salsa Fiesta.  The concept is hip and cool.  I love their accent wall.  I love skulls and the sugar skull thing is cool.  Makes me think of some cool friends that love them, yes, I'm talking about my opening buddies Bethany and Alisha:
Sweet to look at while you eat.  The decor is badass in here.  The window to see what they are doing in the kitchen is great.  Like I said, the staff here is second to none.  They are amazing.  I would go back just to learn the patience, knowledge, attentiveness and service that they so easily and naturally give.  Their salsa bar is way too clean and organized.  Way to pretty, but, like I said, it fits them.
So, they have this spicy cabbage, that is the purple stuff, eww.  It just tasted sour to me.  The other salsas were alright.  The jalapenos were not closely to evenly cut, but they were fresh and delicious.  I love the pickled and fresh option both on the salsa bar, I hit them both up.

this would be great for nachos, not so much for a taco with corn tortillas.  A bit tough, not enough salt, but good quality meat.
CARNITAS: 3, yeah, it was ok.  It is not what I'm looking for, but it is tender, and they know how to cook pork.  Here's the thing, it is sweet.  A bit sweet for me, but I'm sure that it would please the masses and for that, I commend you.
FISH: 4, I really like their grilled Mahi!  This is tender, good fish.  It is a very fair portion and if I had gotten three fish tacos, I'd probably have loved this place.  If you are getting tacos, get the MAHI!  Yummy!!!
ROASTED SALSA: 3, it was really run of the mill, nothing special.
Too many fancy thing for the Order of the Taco.  Too much cheese, too much lettuce, too much fancy stuff.  I'm a simple Tacoteer, searching for a simple taco.  Go to this place.  If I can tell you one thing, it may not be my type of place, but the people and the ambiance are solid.  Check it out.  Their location in Aventura is solid.  The people are amazing, the food is great if you like yuppy type of places.  For me, I'll stick to the little taco spots that fit The Order of the Taco.  Enjoy date night here, and I'll see you soon in another blog, I'm going Tacoteering right now with my good friend and colleague, Kreg Kimmonds.  Thanks for reading and enjoy today's gratutious photo.  It is of three of the people that I think of the most.  I was going to put a pic of me on there, but in the words of a great friend, the famous Jeremy Phillips, "more tacos, less selfies."  Three kids that I work so hard for and that I am so lucky to have in my life, Alexander (Smoky), Eleni (The Troll) and Jason (The Juggernaut):
Stay Excellent!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Phillip's Seafood, Newark International Airport...desperation blog

This blog and it's contents are written solely out of desperation.  I am, was desperate for New Jersey to leave me with a better taco taste then my last blog that shall not be named.  I got dropped off at the airport, and was flying back to LA myself.  The trainers stayed one more day then I did.  I got through security at lightning speed.  I got up to the gate, settled in and finished writing the blog posted yesterday.  A blog of bad food, sad tummies and a sad looking Bethany.  With the hopes of redemption, an attitude of can do, I looked at the menus for both restaurants in the terminal that I was in.  One had "tacos" the other didn't.

I'm a huge fan of fish tacos.  I think that they can be some of the best tacos.  I was hoping when the restaurant is known for seafood and they have Mahi Mahi tacos on the menu that I will be in for some bit of happiness, somewhat of a treat.  I was quickly reminded that I was in New Jersey once I took my first bite.
Where do I start.  Fish tacos that come with waffle fries and a Mediterranean Salad?  Look, I already told you that I was desperate.  I told you that I was backed against a wall and the only way out was a great taco.  Like a midget at a urinal, this came up short.  I love Mediterranean Salads, I love me some waffle fries, I don't love them next to a taco.  Tacos go great with anything, if they are good tacos.  These, were not.  I feel weird even trying to rate, but what the heck.

MAHI: 2, incredibly overcooked, poorly seasoned, tough, wood like texture, uneven grill marks.
SLAW: 1, flavorless, wilted cabbage, pre-cut.
WAFFLE FRIES: 2, they were cold, had been sitting in the window
MEDITERRANEAN SALAD: 3, decent, lots of cucumbers, dressing was ok, probably closer to a two, but it was the best thing I ate.
TORTILLA: 1, I don't know what this really was, but it was bad.  Nasty, bad, paper thin, probably not made with masa, it was really bad.

There was no salsa, they did have regular Tabasco which, yeah, is good but yeah, anyways.  Needless to say, I did not finish my meal.  I almost fell out of my chair when I got the bill.  It was seriously like getting robbed.  My food even took forever, possibly longer.

I will look for tacos any and everywhere.  I want them.  But I don't like hitting a streak of tacos this bad in a row.  Tacos are just needed.  I will probably hit a truck or something here in LA today.  Will I write about it?  Probably not.  I just need to heal my taco wombs.  What got me through this meal and my last two experiences were the great trainers that I was with.  I often say it is not where you eat, but who you eat with.  They may not have been at the airport, but they got me a card and it was really nice.  They each wrote a personal goodbye and it was one of the cooler things I've gotten in a while.  I read it over and over as I sat alone in the airport.  It reminded me of the importance of great friends and the connections that can be made through openings.
What?  Did you think that I would show you what was in there?  Heck no, it is not your business, it was addressed to me.  Why did I put this sideways?  Because I wanted to.  OK, because I didn't feel like pressing the button to rotate it.  I know that it says that card has no purpose, but it did.  It was a great thing and made me crack a smile.

Oh yeah, even the bartender, I sat up at the bar SUCKED.  So anyways, don't go there.  Thanks for reading the blog, thanks for taking the time.  Look forward to telling everyone about the great experiences in Tacoteering that I'm going to find.  The photo today is of me.  Tired, ready to get back to California where the tacos are delicious.
Stay Excellent.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tacos Lupita, Passaic, NJ...its a BURN!!!!!!!!!!

Five blogs in about a two week time period.  We had a bad start, a good middle, with some great and a really horrid ending.  This is bad.  If you haven't read one of my "burns" you need to decide if you are ready.  If you've never read an Order of the Taco Blog, this might not be your best virgin experience.  Here's the deal, I love tacos.  I get that some places are not as good as others.  I have minimal expectations for NJ.  I like the Garden State.  I like tacos.  Why can I not enjoy them together?  Because of places like this that suck more then a drunk coed.  Yeah, I went there and I'm probably going back there.  I've had to try to decompress with the magical voice of the King, Elvis Presley.  Today just hurt.  Work, yeah, it is tough.  I'm non stop, taking, pushing, working, not taking a break, loving it, but worn out like a dirty rag in your Yiayia's cupboard.  Warned you, there are going to be some references.  If you don't get them, go to my dictionary of terms used or ask your friends, if you have any.  Read past blogs, it might explain some of the references.

I often find myself telling people no matter how bad things are, you have to find one positive thing.  I will give it to you.  I will tell you now so that we can get back to the ugliness of this taco trip.  The training team for The Counter in Clifton, NJ.  Our training team did so amazing.  The trainees got better everyday and the franchisee here is a great dude.  We got great support from The Counter.  Alisha and Josh from CA, Bethany from FL, Matt from VA and Fo from GA.  You've seen their pics, you've heard their stories, they really stepped it up, especially in the last week.  They took opening a restaurant to the next level and took care of this crazy, grumpy, bald bear.  When I say they saved lives, I mean it.  I'm telling you they kept me calm, well, calm for being me...Taco Z.

Here's the menu of where we went:
Looks good right?  Not too bad.  Not like a filthy red light district, b player.  Yeah, I mean promising.  Look at the corner.  Yeah, that picture was pretty cool.  Even the women that were with us were checking it out.  Enough about the propaganda.

Lets talk about the journey to get there.  We took back roads from the restaurant that we work in.  I'm tired and grumpy like normal.  Trainers are literally falling asleep in the car as Alisha is driving us per the instruction of the GPS.  We didn't go to a restaurant, we went to a street.  We got there.  We had high hopes.  We had optimistic expectations.  We were all so positive.  We parked the car, put money in the meter.  The folks with us that don't normally go into these areas, so everyone but Josh and I, muscled through it.  We walked in and out of places and said no.  We wanted the right experience.  We walked by Taqueria Brenda Lee from a blog from last week and it was locked up tighter than Fort Knox.  We walked a few blocks, made some jokes, kept Bethany and Matt safe.  No one wanted to see those two delicate kids get hurt.

Amber, Nicole and I almost ate at Tacos Lupita the other day, but opted for Taqueria Brenda Lee instead.  Here's the thing, it didn't look like it would suck this much.  We were all tired, we were all starving.  We got in there and things just went down hill.
Josh started getting scared pretty early.  You can see by the look on his face.  The jute box would randomly kick on which was weird and was incredibly loud, but that is the kind of ambiance that I'm looking for.  The guy behind the counter was confused.  He was totally lost and he was a jerk.  I'm sorry, he is an asshole.  There should be no sugar coating or past tense when it comes to talking about this guy.  Alisha ordered a side of rice and beans three times and never got them, he couldn't figure it out.  We even explained it in Spanish, yeah, that was just as hard if not harder for him.  Fo's food was completely wrong.  He ordered pastor and got pollo.  Everyone had something wrong with their order except for Matt.  Yeah, I don't get it either.  It's not like we had complicated orders here, it was just tacos.

ASADA: 1, we are pretty sure that this was just cardboard with salt on it.
CARNITAS: 1, I don't know if they know what carnitas is.
PASTOR: 2, yucky
SALSA: 1, if you are going to make it this bad, please just buy something from the store and put it in a squeeze bottle, you have embarrassed yourself.

Here is what my food looked like:
We were all so sad that this was our last experience in New Jersey.  It was pretty heart breaking.  Bethany was so sad, we had to carry her to the car:
Josh is so nice.  Look at that winning smile.  What was the saving grace for our bellies?  Hot dogs.  The hotel had hot dogs and we all went back and we ate hot dogs.  So one last thing about this moron working at this place.  He could not give us a receipt.  Not a handwritten one, not a register one, he had like seven kinds of pointless retarded excuses.  He was so dumb.  I don't like him.  By the way, it was a HUGE rip off.  Way too much money.  I'm so sad for anyone that even has to walk near that place or drive by it.

Thanks for reading, please proceed near there with caution.  Thanks for the brave Tacoteers that risked themselves by going in there with me and enduring junk.  Thank you to everyone for reading, thanks for re-tweeting, re-posting.  Please don't forget to follow OrderoftheTaco on Instagram!  Live up to date pictures of tacos all over the US.  I'm at Newark Airport, so I may be done Tacoteering in New Jersey, then again, I may not be...

Today's gratuitous photo will depict how sad we all were with this taco experience and Bethany is here to show you:
Stay Excellent!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

El Aguila, Passaic, NJ

The trainers received advice from Amber our Director of Training.  "When Papa Bear gets angry and extra grouchy, take him Tacoteering."  They heeded the warning, they listened well.  El Aguila in Passaic.  Interesting spot.  We did our morning training session the other day and I was about over people.  The team suggested Tacoteering. They then pointed out to me that I had told them I'd take them Tacoteering in NYC and it didn't happen.  So this little gem was super interesting.  Menu was pretty big but they didn't have a number of things on there.  They also had stuff that was not listed on the menu that was written on regular paper and taped to the wall.
No suadero, that really hurt.  I am truly sad about it.  The service was weird.  One of the chicks working there was really nice, one was really rude and mean.  I still don't get why they made most people's food to eat there and some of ours to-go.  I told her that I was eating there, she still made it to-go.  They have the steam wells with most of the meats right up front and they were chopping the meats right in front.  Good to see it being made.
The people I got to eat with were great.  I appreciate their appreciation for tacos.  They all were jumping into some good stuff.  Matt was all about some lengua, Fo was going to town on some pastor, Alisha went for barbacoa, Josh was right after the tripa.  I was just happy to see people eating things other then asada.  Not that there is anything wrong with asada, I love that stuff, but it's nice to see people venture into the different meats of the taco world.
Tables and walls were so colorful.  Everywhere was full of color.  Very bright ones, but it works.  They do have a bakery and Josh says that stuff was good.  I did not try anything from there.  I get the whole double tortilla theory, but I don't get it when the tortillas are that thick  They had some seriously thick tortillas and they were tough.  It made the place not as good.

 not bad.  It's not one of the greats, but it was decent.  Fo was a big fan.  They really cooked it like a stew and that is not always my favorite, but their flavors were on point.
BARBACOA: 2, not a fan.  I love barbacoa, but this stuff was not good.  It lacked the flavor it needed.  The texture was unimpressive, it was way overcooked.  There was also a ton of bones in my taco.  I get if there are some, but this was ridiculous.  I was unable to finish this taco.
LENGUA: 2, not great, but not horrible. I think it should have been cooked a little longer.  It was a bit gelatinous.  I also like the cut sizes a little smaller.
ASADA: 3, pretty run of the mill.  Good stuff.  Well seasoned, not overcooked, they did a good job on this.
TRIPA: 4, I enjoyed this stuff.  It was well seasoned, perfectly cooked, a bit crispy.  It just really was on point.  I would go back to this place and just get the tripa.  I was also excited because the places that I've seen around NY and NJ usually have it on the menu, but they don't have it in the restaurant.  These guys did and they did really well.
SALSAS: 2, there was minimal flavor, no spice, no depth, they both sucked!
Like I said, they made mine to go.  Still don't know why.  I will say that they have phenomenal chips.  I mean really good stuff.  They were yummy.  Fo bought a bag of them and that was nice.  I enjoyed stealing some from him.  The crew was giving me a hard time, I was in my chef coat and did not even realize that I had an apron on still when we got there.  I decided to just leave it on.  We got some guy to take a photo of all of us.
Good looking crew!  They have been working hard and tacoteering hard!  Whether we've been speaking in accents, making jokes, photo bombing each other or Tacoteering, we are having a great time and opening a great The Counter in Clifton.

So what can I say, the tacos in New Jersey and New York are good, but not California good.  They have been doing a decent job, but not an amazing job.  Don't know if I'll get back out this week, but I might.  I'm looking forward to some good old fashion California tacos next week!  I'm also excited for some warmth.  It has been chilly here.  Today's gratuitous photo is of none other then Matt Lambakis.  He is a phenomenal man and a great trainer from Reston, VA.  Get that taco Matt!
Thanks for reading everyone!  Please keep telling everyone, re-tweeting, re-posting and spreading the word.

Stay Excellent!

Random NYC

Everyone knows the Empire State Building right?  I had to take this picture because the moon was in a great spot.  A little crescent right by the spire.  I thought it was neat.  I mean, crescent moons look like tacos...

I've spent really significant time in New York running restaurants and eating tacos.  I got to spend some great time catching up with old friends and seeing some of the sights with our training team.  Many of them had not been to New York, so it is always great seeing the look on people's face when they see things for the first time.  Below is a picture of my buddy Ryan that I got to say hello to.  I miss Ryan, working with him and getting to hang with him regularly.
Here is the man himself.  He runs the Steak 'n Shake Signature in Times Square.  Go say hello if you are in the area.  Speaking of being in the area, if you are, there is a great little taco cart that stops right across the street.  Yeah, that is where I suggest you eat.
I ate here pretty regularly last year.  They even do a vegetarian burrito that is not too shabby.  The cecina (4) is good.  Carnitas (3) is alright, lengua sucks (1).  Bistek (3), pastor (2), tinga (3).  Place is decent overall.  Their burritos are much better then their tacos.  The tacos just don't stand up as well.  The do a good job on the burritos and walking through the cold of midtown, they work well.  I just had two tacos.  Why only 2?  Because I also hit another truck and I've eaten here multiple times.  It is across the street from where they film Letterman.  The folks that work there are really nice some days and really mean others.  Salsas here are a 4.  Spicy, good.  They are full of flavor and sit for at least a day.  It really allows the flavors to meld together.  If you don't follow Order of the Taco on Instagram, you missed this picture of me and all of the great trainers in front of FAO Schwartz:
Fo, Alisha, Josh, Bethany, Matt and then I'm the one in the back.  We had some fun.  We hit many great sites, we did a ton of walking.  Many crazy photos were taken.  We did end up working that night at the Times Square location but had a great time doing it.  Can't say enough about how proud I am of this training team and the great job that they are doing.

I started the morning in a meeting and then went to catch up with old friends.  The trainers were at the Freedom Tower.  While I was walking around I spotted another taco truck.  Yes, I stopped.
This place was interesting.  Guy was super cool.  Really funny guy.  I have to say that their pictures were great, truck looked clean.  The lengua here was a 1.  It was nasty.  I didn't even eat it.  The pastor was a 2.  I went for what I really wanted.  I did not try anything else and had never eaten at that truck before.  The salsas here were just ok.  It was a 3.  I did like the avocado sauce that they put on there.  I would totally try this place again, just go towards a different meat.
They were loaded right?  Generous portions, good meat, they just didn't cook it really well.

After the Tacoteering that I did, I went to meet up with the trainers by the Freedom Tower.  I took the subway and got off right by there.  I was walking around, writing my taco notes trying to find the trainers.  While I'm doing that, a cop stops me.  He starts asking what I was writing and what I was doing.  I was questioned for "suspicious behavior."  Talk about profiling!  When I told him I was writing notes about tacos he didn't think I was serious.  I showed him but he still gave me the business.  Pretty bogus.  So lets go back to the subway ride.  I got into a car and it was almost empty.  There was one homeless person.  I then realized that it was because it smelled.  Not bad, horrible.  That smell still lingers in my head.  It really was bad.  I was so glad to get to the next stop and go to another car.  I know it doesn't matter to you, but I just wanted to tell you.

The day was great.  It was great company.  I have another blog to write, so I'll get off of this little NYC rant.  With an irregular blog, should you get a gratuitous goodbye photo?  Sure, why not.  It is of me conquering the tacos of New York. Photo is compliments of photo ninja Fo.  Thanks for reading everyone, keep eating tacos!
Stay Excellent!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Taqueria Brenda Lee, Passaic, NJ

I've been challenged so many times, I'm beginning to wonder how I find some of these places.  So we are still in Clifton, NJ working.  In NJ for about another week and a half, probably more to come from The Garden State.  Anyways, I've had my fill of people and needed to get some tacos for the safety of all that were around me.  Done and done.  Yeah, this place is legit.  Tucked away in a neighborhood that scared the salsa out of Nikki P, was a gem.  A diamond in the rough.  Taqueria Brenda Lee.  Here is a shot of the street that it is on.
See, I don't get it either.  Why was Nikki nervous?  I just don't get it.  If you don't remember Nikki from a Florida blog, she is a friend.  A great colleague.  She is the GM for the Times Square location and though she had been Tacoteering previously, this was like the first time for her.  She looked in awe and fear as Amber and I went into attack Tacoteering mode.  Oh man I'm missing the delicious salsa.  Here is a picture of Nikki P so that you know what she looks like through the rest of this blog and forever.
I know exactly what you are thinking.  There is a bench chair from an old van behind that cute mug.  Yes, there is.  It is quite comfortable, but we'll get to the weird furniture later.  This is a true family operation.  It was great.  There was a delightful young man, probably about 4 or younger running around playing.  Dad was working.  Really neat.  We probably accounted for most of their sales for the day.  We did get a TON of tacos.  The decor is pretty neat.  The kitchen fits them so well:
So yes, those two pictures are of their kitchen.  Each side of the line.  I love it.  The restaurant almost looks abandoned when you go in there.
Why yes, that is Nikki and Amber.  You can see the entire restaurant in this picture.  Pretty neat right?  Not any wasted space, but big enough to get done what they need to.  English is not the second language in here.  They do not speak anything but Spanish. If you get turned off by that, I totally get that you don't like great tacos and you are just really missing out.  This is the right neighborhood to go Tacoteering by the way.  I mean the Order of the Taco could do a straight up full day taco walk and stay within a few blocks.  Seriously, great spot.  I was getting way too excited driving around this place.  I was like a puppy in the back seat of this rental car jumping around as I saw places.  One quick shot of Amber, in case you forgot who she is before the ratings:
Winning smile.

SAUDERO: 3, good, solid.  Nothing amazing, but what you should expect. It was some good stuff.
CECINA: 2, not a huge fan.  I know that it is salted beef, but this was really heavily salted.  Also a little tougher then I think it should have been.
BISTEK: 3, nice steak redemption here.  Tasted good, well, seasoned.  I was happy with this.
BUCHE: 2, it was really just not cooked enough.  I'm a sucker for it to be crispy, but this was just not that great.  I was pretty sad.
LENGUA: 4, two thumbs up.  Amber and I were both really happy with this.  It was just good old fashioned yummy stuff.
CARNITAS: 5, HOLY CARNITAS!  This was just so good.  It was soft, flavorful, juicy, just downright delicous.  I love this stuff.  I will dream about this stuff.
SALSA: 4,  this is some of the yummiest I've had. It was a jalapeno/avocado salsa that was think, chunky, spicy and downright delicious.  I could not ask for a better salsa here.  Really happy with it.
Those are just two of the kinds that we tried, whoa.  So good. I did over order.  By more then a few tacos, but I just couldn't stop ordering.  It all looked so good.  I also really needed tacos.  It has been the tough, long opening hours and this was the cure that I needed.  For me, this was like getting more cowbell.  I just couldn't get enough and wanted more and more.

I've been told a few times lately that there is just not enough photos of me in the blog.  That people want to know what I really look like.  I feel like there are tons and that no one really wants to see what I look like.  Here's the deal, I'm not easy on the eyes.  I have opted to put a picture of me in that great van bench seat that was behind Nikki.
I know, not very impressive, but that is who I am.  Yes, I already know that I'm bald and I do love my beard, but y'all probably already know that.  That is the guy eating all these tacos.  Much less impressive then you thought huh?  I agree.  Here is where your head is at.  Wait, he ends each blog with a gratuitous photo, is this the photo?  Nope!  Every once in a while you have one of those team members.  One that really stands out.  This guy did.  He wore glasses with no lenses, pranced, yeah, a true stand out.  She would only call me boss man.  He was completely terrified of me.  She loved being in photos and Fo, our photo ninja got a great shot of him and sent it to a number of co-workers.

Thanks for reading, thanks for spreading the word, keep it going!  I want this thing out there more and more.  It entertains the heck out of me, hopefully it does the same for you.  Without further a due, Quadir:
 Stay Excellent!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Los Gueros Taqueria, East Rutherford, NJ

Alright New Jersey, we came in for round one and it was not your best showing.  I will not put readers in suspense on this one.  Was it Houston bad, no, by no means was it that bad. This is no Los Angeles, no San Diego, not California, heck, not even Virginia.  Will I go back to this place?  No.  Will I give NJ another chance?  You bet I will.  They don't have a choice, I'm coming.  This is part of the beauty of all the travels.  Different tacos, different places.  This place is a converted Baja Fresh.  They took it over and turned it into a taqueria.  They have multiple locations in the area and this is their latest addition.  Easy to see this by the design.
They brighten up some of the colors which is cool.  I do like the design.  Very inviting.  If you look closely in the back corner, I'm sure you'll know why we came here.  There was mixed things said about this location, but their other locations have glowing publicity and reviews.  I think that the biggest hurdle this location has is folks were trying to get to Baja Fresh and this joint is no Baja Fresh.  Did you see it yet?  Do you know what I'm talking about?
Winner winner, Pastor for dinner!  Yes, they pride themselves on cooking on the cone.  If you don't know, then you don't read this blog, but I'm a huge sucker for pastor.  Especially when it is done right on the cone.  The melded, marinated flavors with the sweetness being pulled straight out of the meat into your mouth, yeah, I love pastor.  Does is remind me of gyro?  Yes, of course.  It is said that pastor was first made in Central America with Lebanese workers.  After the Lebanese started making their gyro rip offs when they were working in Central America and Southern Mexico, they combined the local flavors with their style of cooking.  Pastor was born.  Yeah, I tear up just thinking about the story.  OK, back this joint.  They have a salsa bar with what they say are a variety of salsas and heat to each sauce.  Their is no variety.  Everything is hot.  You know I love hot.  I love that crazy spice.  It makes me get excited, it makes me want to go back.  This place was just hot though.  No flavor, no excitement, just really spicy.  I can eat and enjoy eating just plain peppers whether they are raw, smoked, roasted, whatever, but this was just hot.  Not enjoyable, just hot.
The picture of the place looks good, but I can assure you that there is better use for kale then garnish on a sub par salsa bar.  Their really is no reason for this.  We have evolved and realized how good and good for you kale is and it was just insulting to see it on a salsa bar.  Lets get to it.

 it was just not very good.  It was not too moist or flavorful.  I was disappointed in mostly every way.
CHULETA: 2, this just had pepper on it.  Yeah, it was not good and I really was shocked at how disappointing this was.
ASADA: 3, about as run of the mill as you can get.  It wasn't bad, but I would not go back for it.
POLLO: 3, this was pretty normal stuff.  Not too good, not too bad.  Don't get excited by that three, it is really not that great.

HORCHATA: 1, yeah, this was nasty.  It was put in a big jug and looked like it was fresh made, but I can assure you that this is not the case.  It was horrid.  If it was at least rancid I could understand, but it was just really poorly made.
SPICY ROJO: 2,  it gets the two instead of a one because it was really hot, but not at all enjoyable.  That made me sad.
MOCAJETE: 2, yeah, umm...
AVOCADO: 3,  it was spicy, it was ok.  The consistency was not great.  It did not blow me away.  It wasn't bad.  Basically it was the cream of the crap.
It doesn't even look that awesome, because its not!  Dude, here is the kicker.  Here is what really got me even more pissed off.  I get my bill and see that they took off the avocado and pico which is INCLUDED!  Are you serious?  You don't just take avocado off of someone's tacos without speaking to them first.  I mean damn!  Have you no manners?  Have you no integrity?  Really chaps my hide.  This place just made me unhappy in every way, except for my company.  I was not sick, but did not feel well all night.  My stomach was unsettled and I was just miserable all night from this.  What would an Order of the Taco Blog be without a gratuitous photo?
The amazing Amber Morales!  BOOM.  One of my favorite fellow Tacoteers.  Amber is a great friend, a great colleague and a hell of a Tacoteer and trooper.  We've eaten many tacos in many places in many states.  Thanks for being there and a part of the journey of a taco life Amber.

Thanks for reading folks.  Thanks for telling people via conversation and social media.  Keep it coming, keep reading.  Really, thank you.

Stay Excellent all!