Friday, March 14, 2014

Phillip's Seafood, Newark International Airport...desperation blog

This blog and it's contents are written solely out of desperation.  I am, was desperate for New Jersey to leave me with a better taco taste then my last blog that shall not be named.  I got dropped off at the airport, and was flying back to LA myself.  The trainers stayed one more day then I did.  I got through security at lightning speed.  I got up to the gate, settled in and finished writing the blog posted yesterday.  A blog of bad food, sad tummies and a sad looking Bethany.  With the hopes of redemption, an attitude of can do, I looked at the menus for both restaurants in the terminal that I was in.  One had "tacos" the other didn't.

I'm a huge fan of fish tacos.  I think that they can be some of the best tacos.  I was hoping when the restaurant is known for seafood and they have Mahi Mahi tacos on the menu that I will be in for some bit of happiness, somewhat of a treat.  I was quickly reminded that I was in New Jersey once I took my first bite.
Where do I start.  Fish tacos that come with waffle fries and a Mediterranean Salad?  Look, I already told you that I was desperate.  I told you that I was backed against a wall and the only way out was a great taco.  Like a midget at a urinal, this came up short.  I love Mediterranean Salads, I love me some waffle fries, I don't love them next to a taco.  Tacos go great with anything, if they are good tacos.  These, were not.  I feel weird even trying to rate, but what the heck.

MAHI: 2, incredibly overcooked, poorly seasoned, tough, wood like texture, uneven grill marks.
SLAW: 1, flavorless, wilted cabbage, pre-cut.
WAFFLE FRIES: 2, they were cold, had been sitting in the window
MEDITERRANEAN SALAD: 3, decent, lots of cucumbers, dressing was ok, probably closer to a two, but it was the best thing I ate.
TORTILLA: 1, I don't know what this really was, but it was bad.  Nasty, bad, paper thin, probably not made with masa, it was really bad.

There was no salsa, they did have regular Tabasco which, yeah, is good but yeah, anyways.  Needless to say, I did not finish my meal.  I almost fell out of my chair when I got the bill.  It was seriously like getting robbed.  My food even took forever, possibly longer.

I will look for tacos any and everywhere.  I want them.  But I don't like hitting a streak of tacos this bad in a row.  Tacos are just needed.  I will probably hit a truck or something here in LA today.  Will I write about it?  Probably not.  I just need to heal my taco wombs.  What got me through this meal and my last two experiences were the great trainers that I was with.  I often say it is not where you eat, but who you eat with.  They may not have been at the airport, but they got me a card and it was really nice.  They each wrote a personal goodbye and it was one of the cooler things I've gotten in a while.  I read it over and over as I sat alone in the airport.  It reminded me of the importance of great friends and the connections that can be made through openings.
What?  Did you think that I would show you what was in there?  Heck no, it is not your business, it was addressed to me.  Why did I put this sideways?  Because I wanted to.  OK, because I didn't feel like pressing the button to rotate it.  I know that it says that card has no purpose, but it did.  It was a great thing and made me crack a smile.

Oh yeah, even the bartender, I sat up at the bar SUCKED.  So anyways, don't go there.  Thanks for reading the blog, thanks for taking the time.  Look forward to telling everyone about the great experiences in Tacoteering that I'm going to find.  The photo today is of me.  Tired, ready to get back to California where the tacos are delicious.
Stay Excellent.

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