Sunday, March 9, 2014

Random NYC

Everyone knows the Empire State Building right?  I had to take this picture because the moon was in a great spot.  A little crescent right by the spire.  I thought it was neat.  I mean, crescent moons look like tacos...

I've spent really significant time in New York running restaurants and eating tacos.  I got to spend some great time catching up with old friends and seeing some of the sights with our training team.  Many of them had not been to New York, so it is always great seeing the look on people's face when they see things for the first time.  Below is a picture of my buddy Ryan that I got to say hello to.  I miss Ryan, working with him and getting to hang with him regularly.
Here is the man himself.  He runs the Steak 'n Shake Signature in Times Square.  Go say hello if you are in the area.  Speaking of being in the area, if you are, there is a great little taco cart that stops right across the street.  Yeah, that is where I suggest you eat.
I ate here pretty regularly last year.  They even do a vegetarian burrito that is not too shabby.  The cecina (4) is good.  Carnitas (3) is alright, lengua sucks (1).  Bistek (3), pastor (2), tinga (3).  Place is decent overall.  Their burritos are much better then their tacos.  The tacos just don't stand up as well.  The do a good job on the burritos and walking through the cold of midtown, they work well.  I just had two tacos.  Why only 2?  Because I also hit another truck and I've eaten here multiple times.  It is across the street from where they film Letterman.  The folks that work there are really nice some days and really mean others.  Salsas here are a 4.  Spicy, good.  They are full of flavor and sit for at least a day.  It really allows the flavors to meld together.  If you don't follow Order of the Taco on Instagram, you missed this picture of me and all of the great trainers in front of FAO Schwartz:
Fo, Alisha, Josh, Bethany, Matt and then I'm the one in the back.  We had some fun.  We hit many great sites, we did a ton of walking.  Many crazy photos were taken.  We did end up working that night at the Times Square location but had a great time doing it.  Can't say enough about how proud I am of this training team and the great job that they are doing.

I started the morning in a meeting and then went to catch up with old friends.  The trainers were at the Freedom Tower.  While I was walking around I spotted another taco truck.  Yes, I stopped.
This place was interesting.  Guy was super cool.  Really funny guy.  I have to say that their pictures were great, truck looked clean.  The lengua here was a 1.  It was nasty.  I didn't even eat it.  The pastor was a 2.  I went for what I really wanted.  I did not try anything else and had never eaten at that truck before.  The salsas here were just ok.  It was a 3.  I did like the avocado sauce that they put on there.  I would totally try this place again, just go towards a different meat.
They were loaded right?  Generous portions, good meat, they just didn't cook it really well.

After the Tacoteering that I did, I went to meet up with the trainers by the Freedom Tower.  I took the subway and got off right by there.  I was walking around, writing my taco notes trying to find the trainers.  While I'm doing that, a cop stops me.  He starts asking what I was writing and what I was doing.  I was questioned for "suspicious behavior."  Talk about profiling!  When I told him I was writing notes about tacos he didn't think I was serious.  I showed him but he still gave me the business.  Pretty bogus.  So lets go back to the subway ride.  I got into a car and it was almost empty.  There was one homeless person.  I then realized that it was because it smelled.  Not bad, horrible.  That smell still lingers in my head.  It really was bad.  I was so glad to get to the next stop and go to another car.  I know it doesn't matter to you, but I just wanted to tell you.

The day was great.  It was great company.  I have another blog to write, so I'll get off of this little NYC rant.  With an irregular blog, should you get a gratuitous goodbye photo?  Sure, why not.  It is of me conquering the tacos of New York. Photo is compliments of photo ninja Fo.  Thanks for reading everyone, keep eating tacos!
Stay Excellent!

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