Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tacos Lupita, Passaic, NJ...its a BURN!!!!!!!!!!

Five blogs in about a two week time period.  We had a bad start, a good middle, with some great and a really horrid ending.  This is bad.  If you haven't read one of my "burns" you need to decide if you are ready.  If you've never read an Order of the Taco Blog, this might not be your best virgin experience.  Here's the deal, I love tacos.  I get that some places are not as good as others.  I have minimal expectations for NJ.  I like the Garden State.  I like tacos.  Why can I not enjoy them together?  Because of places like this that suck more then a drunk coed.  Yeah, I went there and I'm probably going back there.  I've had to try to decompress with the magical voice of the King, Elvis Presley.  Today just hurt.  Work, yeah, it is tough.  I'm non stop, taking, pushing, working, not taking a break, loving it, but worn out like a dirty rag in your Yiayia's cupboard.  Warned you, there are going to be some references.  If you don't get them, go to my dictionary of terms used or ask your friends, if you have any.  Read past blogs, it might explain some of the references.

I often find myself telling people no matter how bad things are, you have to find one positive thing.  I will give it to you.  I will tell you now so that we can get back to the ugliness of this taco trip.  The training team for The Counter in Clifton, NJ.  Our training team did so amazing.  The trainees got better everyday and the franchisee here is a great dude.  We got great support from The Counter.  Alisha and Josh from CA, Bethany from FL, Matt from VA and Fo from GA.  You've seen their pics, you've heard their stories, they really stepped it up, especially in the last week.  They took opening a restaurant to the next level and took care of this crazy, grumpy, bald bear.  When I say they saved lives, I mean it.  I'm telling you they kept me calm, well, calm for being me...Taco Z.

Here's the menu of where we went:
Looks good right?  Not too bad.  Not like a filthy red light district, b player.  Yeah, I mean promising.  Look at the corner.  Yeah, that picture was pretty cool.  Even the women that were with us were checking it out.  Enough about the propaganda.

Lets talk about the journey to get there.  We took back roads from the restaurant that we work in.  I'm tired and grumpy like normal.  Trainers are literally falling asleep in the car as Alisha is driving us per the instruction of the GPS.  We didn't go to a restaurant, we went to a street.  We got there.  We had high hopes.  We had optimistic expectations.  We were all so positive.  We parked the car, put money in the meter.  The folks with us that don't normally go into these areas, so everyone but Josh and I, muscled through it.  We walked in and out of places and said no.  We wanted the right experience.  We walked by Taqueria Brenda Lee from a blog from last week and it was locked up tighter than Fort Knox.  We walked a few blocks, made some jokes, kept Bethany and Matt safe.  No one wanted to see those two delicate kids get hurt.

Amber, Nicole and I almost ate at Tacos Lupita the other day, but opted for Taqueria Brenda Lee instead.  Here's the thing, it didn't look like it would suck this much.  We were all tired, we were all starving.  We got in there and things just went down hill.
Josh started getting scared pretty early.  You can see by the look on his face.  The jute box would randomly kick on which was weird and was incredibly loud, but that is the kind of ambiance that I'm looking for.  The guy behind the counter was confused.  He was totally lost and he was a jerk.  I'm sorry, he is an asshole.  There should be no sugar coating or past tense when it comes to talking about this guy.  Alisha ordered a side of rice and beans three times and never got them, he couldn't figure it out.  We even explained it in Spanish, yeah, that was just as hard if not harder for him.  Fo's food was completely wrong.  He ordered pastor and got pollo.  Everyone had something wrong with their order except for Matt.  Yeah, I don't get it either.  It's not like we had complicated orders here, it was just tacos.

ASADA: 1, we are pretty sure that this was just cardboard with salt on it.
CARNITAS: 1, I don't know if they know what carnitas is.
PASTOR: 2, yucky
SALSA: 1, if you are going to make it this bad, please just buy something from the store and put it in a squeeze bottle, you have embarrassed yourself.

Here is what my food looked like:
We were all so sad that this was our last experience in New Jersey.  It was pretty heart breaking.  Bethany was so sad, we had to carry her to the car:
Josh is so nice.  Look at that winning smile.  What was the saving grace for our bellies?  Hot dogs.  The hotel had hot dogs and we all went back and we ate hot dogs.  So one last thing about this moron working at this place.  He could not give us a receipt.  Not a handwritten one, not a register one, he had like seven kinds of pointless retarded excuses.  He was so dumb.  I don't like him.  By the way, it was a HUGE rip off.  Way too much money.  I'm so sad for anyone that even has to walk near that place or drive by it.

Thanks for reading, please proceed near there with caution.  Thanks for the brave Tacoteers that risked themselves by going in there with me and enduring junk.  Thank you to everyone for reading, thanks for re-tweeting, re-posting.  Please don't forget to follow OrderoftheTaco on Instagram!  Live up to date pictures of tacos all over the US.  I'm at Newark Airport, so I may be done Tacoteering in New Jersey, then again, I may not be...

Today's gratuitous photo will depict how sad we all were with this taco experience and Bethany is here to show you:
Stay Excellent!

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