Saturday, March 29, 2014

Salsa Fiesta, Aventura, FL

This is almost a different blog today.  Why?  Because it has to fit the spot.  Salsa Fiesta, it is a fresh, all natural, good for you kind of taco place.  Lets really get to it, did I love the place, no.  But its because it was not what I'm looking for.  Let me tell you something, the people that work here are the nicest, most knowledgeable, genuine people.  The place is clean.  It is really something.  This is the kind of place that I'd take a wife on a date to if she wasn't cool enough to like taquerias.  It is a bit yuppy for my palate.  Let me say that this is a great starter place if you are just beginning your taco journey to taco excellence.  I have minimal pictures.  I have few things to really say, it wasn't bad, but just not my cup of tea.  Why did I go?  Why am I writing about it?  The following.  The people of Aventura LOVE this place, and it makes sense if you know the people who live here.  There is a ton of money, there is a certain person who lives here and this place really fits the bill for them.  So for that, I say nicely done.  The menu is cool, lots of options, too many for a cilantro and onions guy like me:
I want to point out that this was a quick bit for lunch, I'm planning on more Tacoteering this evening.  I've been working non stop, no days, nights off, many things to do, the taco release is what I need.  If I were to go back, I'd probably hit up the nachos.  I saw a few other people eating them, they look pretty damn rad.  They look like the thing that you go share with your old lady for a good time.  So, why the necessary Tacoteering?  I've been everywhere and just flew down here from New Jersey, and I will go Tacoteering again in NJ, but just couldn't do it the week after my last few NJ visits.  I'm seriously pining for some Los Angeles, CA Tacoteeering with the crew.  I need me some Monstrosity, some Brandon, Chris, Paulie, Nate, James, Mike, everyone!  I need the taco masters that I know and eat with.  I need to go sneak away with Ramon, Amber, Phil and Shinho and enjoy some tacos.  Yeah, I'm jonesing for those experiences right now.  Maybe a romantic Tacoteering date with the wife?  Quick trip with the kids or Papou?  Alright, enough, lets talk about this Salsa Fiesta.  The concept is hip and cool.  I love their accent wall.  I love skulls and the sugar skull thing is cool.  Makes me think of some cool friends that love them, yes, I'm talking about my opening buddies Bethany and Alisha:
Sweet to look at while you eat.  The decor is badass in here.  The window to see what they are doing in the kitchen is great.  Like I said, the staff here is second to none.  They are amazing.  I would go back just to learn the patience, knowledge, attentiveness and service that they so easily and naturally give.  Their salsa bar is way too clean and organized.  Way to pretty, but, like I said, it fits them.
So, they have this spicy cabbage, that is the purple stuff, eww.  It just tasted sour to me.  The other salsas were alright.  The jalapenos were not closely to evenly cut, but they were fresh and delicious.  I love the pickled and fresh option both on the salsa bar, I hit them both up.

this would be great for nachos, not so much for a taco with corn tortillas.  A bit tough, not enough salt, but good quality meat.
CARNITAS: 3, yeah, it was ok.  It is not what I'm looking for, but it is tender, and they know how to cook pork.  Here's the thing, it is sweet.  A bit sweet for me, but I'm sure that it would please the masses and for that, I commend you.
FISH: 4, I really like their grilled Mahi!  This is tender, good fish.  It is a very fair portion and if I had gotten three fish tacos, I'd probably have loved this place.  If you are getting tacos, get the MAHI!  Yummy!!!
ROASTED SALSA: 3, it was really run of the mill, nothing special.
Too many fancy thing for the Order of the Taco.  Too much cheese, too much lettuce, too much fancy stuff.  I'm a simple Tacoteer, searching for a simple taco.  Go to this place.  If I can tell you one thing, it may not be my type of place, but the people and the ambiance are solid.  Check it out.  Their location in Aventura is solid.  The people are amazing, the food is great if you like yuppy type of places.  For me, I'll stick to the little taco spots that fit The Order of the Taco.  Enjoy date night here, and I'll see you soon in another blog, I'm going Tacoteering right now with my good friend and colleague, Kreg Kimmonds.  Thanks for reading and enjoy today's gratutious photo.  It is of three of the people that I think of the most.  I was going to put a pic of me on there, but in the words of a great friend, the famous Jeremy Phillips, "more tacos, less selfies."  Three kids that I work so hard for and that I am so lucky to have in my life, Alexander (Smoky), Eleni (The Troll) and Jason (The Juggernaut):
Stay Excellent!

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