Thursday, May 8, 2014

El Torito, Garden City, ID

Two weeks left in Boise.  We went to the beautiful part of Boise known as Garden City.  It is like taco central for Idaho.  I had some excited and brave tacoteers with me as we got some lunch at another truck.  El Torito is a Mexican Market, with a taco truck in the back of it.
Looks legit right?  We are learning that the Boise taco and way of cooking is much more of the stew cook than the grill and crispy way.  The people were nice, the English was not there.  They really did not speak English at all.  It was so windy!  The wind was blowing like crazy.  It was so windy and it was a pretty chilly wind, well chilly for us.  Most of us are SoCal residents.  We had some fun.  A bit less laughing than our last outing, but that is possibly a good thing.  We had to roll up in two cars.  The beautiful Buick rental and the VW Bug that I'm still not sure how we ended up with.  Here is a shot of the tacoteers:
Yes, it is Jessica's birthday, good eye.  She is the blond next to Fo.  Jessica went to the opening in Florida with us earlier in the year, she is back at NRO summer camp in Boise.  We did an amazing job of embarrassing her later on in the day with a sash, crown and singing off key to her with all of our trainees.  This place has a market in the front, a taco truck in the back.  Pretty interesting market.  For all of the things that it does have, it doesn't have a lot of products.  I will say it was very tempting to buy a pinata for Jess!
I really feel like we had a missed opportunity with not getting any pinatas.  I love how Fo and Ashley are intently looking at something.  I really don't know what it is that they are looking at, but it seems important.
Menu is very simple and great.  Very clearly marked with all information.  They really don't over do it with trying to appeal to everyone and everything like some of the other trucks that we've been to around here.  Burritos looked pretty righteous, but I had to stick to tacos.
CABEZA: 3, soft, but pretty good.
LENGUA: 3, pretty run of the mill.  They do not cut lengua too small and do not shred it here in Idaho.
TRIPA: 4, this was soft and crispy?  Really good.  I like the way that it was sauteed.  It really was one of the better ones that I've had.  A great texture, nice flavor, I liked it.
CARNITAS: 3, total textbook.  good, but did not blow me away at all.
ASADA: 4, really good job in Idaho with Beef.  This was well flavored, not overcooked, quite tasty.
PASTOR: 3, close to being a 4, but just not above and beyond enough.  Good pineapple flavor, but not too sweet.
Pretty nice spread.  I appreciate it anytime that people pair their tacos with the salsa it should go with.  Nicely done.  Idaho taco adventures a bit different.  They have a "style" of taco.  Not bad, but it sure isn't the tasty greatness of Southern California!  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't pining for some SoCal Tacoteering.
I love them advertising.  Really made us all kind of chuckle.  Cool to see them making fresh tamales.  I love tamales.  I did ask, they don't just serve them, you have to order them for a party, they take great pride in their masa.

Thank you to the great trainers that I'm working with and Tacoteering with.  We have hit a few places and I still have another blog I have yet to write about.  They have really been troopers, granted I think that they are lucky to eat so many tacos.  Another shout out to Phil!  Chef Phil has been taking his mad skills to each place.  Josh, Fo, Ashley and Phil have yet to miss an Idaho adventure.  Thanks to all who read, keep following, I'm going to find the best tacos that Boise has to offer over the next week.

Before we part, the gratuitous photo from this adventure is of the birthday girl, Jessica Taylor.  Happy Birthday Jess, glad we got to spend your birthday eating tacos!
Stay Excellent All!

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