Sunday, May 18, 2014

LAX Tacos, Inglewood, CA

Flying home last night all I could hear was Randy Newman, "I love LA."  Boise, I have taken your taco challenge and just missed LA more and more.  I was thinking to myself as I was coming home, why would people not fight to pick me up from the airport?  It just doesn't make sense, you know I'm going to take you Tacoteering if you pick me up.  Your call if it is somewhere tried and true or somewhere new.  Melissa picked me up last night and I had three places in mind.  We braved the streets of Inglewood, CA to get to LAX Tacos.  The serenading of Elvis Presley on XM radio made the ride all that much better.

LAX Tacos.  This place has been around for quite some time.  This is a no frills street taco serving place.  It is on the North side of Arbor Vitae Street in Inglewood, CA.  Inglewood, CA is a great city for Tacoteers to be born, yes yours truly was born in Inglewood.  I think that my taco destiny played a part.  The taco gods knew that there is many great taco places that I could hit up around there.
Here is the beautiful patio layout.  Perfect for the neighborhood and the restaurant in general.  Tables are easily cleaned and kept, they are not easy to pick up and steal, not that there is any chance of that in this neighborhood.  Parking is a bit tough, there is a plethora of night clubs in the area that take a lot of the street parking and there is not exactly a large lot that is readily available.  The decor fits the place and fits the area inside and out.  The menu is good.  I hear their burritos are great, but we just stuck to some tacos.
Not too many frills, but everything that you need for a late night taco.
 this stuff should be super tender, it was not.  It was not bad, but not great.  I just expect a delicious tender stew and this was tough.  If you cook goat to hot and too fast it tightens up!  I do like the way they serve it in the bowl with the tortillas, cilantro, onions and limes on the side, but the flavor was still lacking.
CARNITAS: 2, too tough!  Really not that great.  It was kind of chewy.  Maybe a trend of cooking on too high of a heat?
ADOBADA: 2, really greasy.  It ruined the good flavors that I think they were heading towards. Again, I found this meat to be a little bit tough.
ASADA: 4, probably the best thing that they made.  It is their top seller according to the guys working.  Not to shabby.  Good flavor, not tough and not too salty.
LENGUA: 3, textbook.  Nothing that blew me away, but nothing I was disappointed by. Flavors were good, texture on point, but nothing special about it.
BUCHE: 3, man this is so close to a 4.  I was impressed Melissa ate some.  That really threw me through a loop!  It was crispy, but not overdone, tasty but not overwhelming, like I said, I could be talked into this being a 4.
Yeah, I ordered a few tacos.  Look, I really have missed the LA taco scene.  I needed it in my life bad.  It was a warm welcome back to the land of delicious tacos that is Southern California.  It was also nice to see the family.  I have really missed them.  Poor Josh, Fo, Jess and the rest had to try to keep me as sane as I can be.  Phil left after only a few days and my sadness just grew from there.  Just a warning about the tacos, they come with some fiery hot sauce on them.  Really damn good, but hot.  It burned Melissa up!  Overall, I like the place, worth a try.

Thank you again for reading.  I really appreciate you all for reading!  Please keep telling folks.  There are many Idaho adventures that have not been read yet!  Don't miss out on all of the Tacoteering that goes on in other states!  More LA trips to come and I hit the road again soon.  Today's gratuitous photo is of my wife Melissa.  Her at LAX Taco last night Tacoteering like a late night champ because of all the flight delays.  11 years of marriage has taken her on a lot of taco trips, glad she still enjoys them.
Stay Excellent Everyone!

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