Monday, May 12, 2014

Random Truck, side of the road, Idaho

We get one day off in what is a long trip for me.  I was first to get to Boise, I will be the last to leave.  So today is the day to relax, unwind, recharge the battery.  I mean, I'm on a huge stretch here.  I had to have some tacos.  I was content with just hitting a vineyard or two, hoping for tacos.  My taco destiny again prevailed and I ended up here.  Were the tacos good, NOPE!  But, I still got tacos and that is important in it's own right.  We were heading to the Snake River Valley Wine area.  Bitner Vineyard to be exact.  Great place to go and check out if you are in the Boise area.  Very scenic and pretty.  Not too far of a drive from downtown Boise.
The blue turf of Boise.  We had to go to the stadium.  It is not like the trainers or I have any trips planned to come back.  Stadium is pretty cool.  We spent a little time there and then were heading to the vineyards.  On our way there, a few of the trainers noticed the truck.  They knew that I was stopping on the way back.  I appreciate the fact that they indulge me with the quest for the perfect tacos.  While at the vineyard, Miss Canyon County Idaho showed up.  She was quick to ask me to take a photo with her.  Look at the expressions on both of our faces, we know who wanted to be near who more.
It is my kind heart that allows taco fans everywhere to take pictures with me.  After this photo we headed back to the city of Meridian for lunch.  I stopped for tacos.
I did not blame the troops for being leery of this place.  The lady working was less than kind.  The place seemed sketchy, honestly that is part of what attracted me.  There was no name on this thing, just this little trailer.
CHORIZO: 1, yes, I don't think it was chorizo.  Maybe sausage links chopped up with chili powder on them?
CARNITAS: 1, again, still not sure what meat this was, but yeah, ok, enough said.
ADOBADA: 1, umm...
ASADA: 2, yeah, this high rating was achieved with some salt and lime added to the chopped product inside of the chewiest tortilla I've ever put in my mouth.
Hard to tell which taco is which by that picture.  That might be why ratings are so low.  I had a hard time distinguishing which one is which.  Random taco trucks are always a guess.  I'm glad I stopped by, I'm more glad that no one else ate these tacos.  Lucky for me, we went to Willie B's and I was able to have a delicious sandwich.

Thank you for reading, thanks for following, I still have a place on my radar here in Boise, I'll get there before the week is out.  Before I go, the photo today is of all of us up at the vineyard doing the wine tasting.
Stay Excellent!

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