Saturday, July 26, 2014

Salvador Rodriguez Catering, I was in Chatsworth, he's from Compton

I was struggling on how I wanted to start this one off.  I was trying to find the right things to say.  We have an amazing tight nit community.  We have a group that enjoys spending time together.  We share in each other's successes, we help each other when we need.  There was a slew of nice, sweet things I wanted to say about the Saint Nick's community.  Instead I'll tell you a little more about the birthday boy himself.  Trumbo.
Trumbo, more known to all of us as Trevon is a great dude.  Always full of life, always a man that I've looked up to for his free spirit fun loving attitude.  A guy who literally turns his Jacuzzi into a smoky pool to entertain the kids that are at his birthday party.
So that card above was made by my daughter Eleni.  She was trying to write Trevon, but it looks like Trumbo so I enjoyed calling him that.  My kids love Trevon.  They get excited to see him everywhere.  He is the voice of the Valley Greek Festival every year on Memorial Day Weekend, and my children imitate him for weeks afterwards and try to be just like him.  He has taken Alexander to comic book stores, which is so cool because I am not a very patient person and have never been in one myself, but Alexander loves it and thinks it is awesome.  I've known Trevon and his whole family my whole life and I'm very lucky and grateful that he has been in my life for all this time.  His daughter Mia was the flower girl in my wedding.  She's kind of mean to people now, but that just entertains me and we all know her mom is one of the toughest smartest people around and is always a few steps ahead of this young lady who's almost done with high school.  Below is a picture of some of the things that Evie made and brought.  She is so crafty and awesome.
Trevon and his kick ass wife Jen have a most excellent back yard.  They do movie nights through the summer.  For Trevon's birthday, it was Empire Strikes Back!  Prior to the movie starting, he had Weird Al singing, I love the song and on the big screen, it was super cool.
Here is a photo of the set up that he does and then he is generous enough to invite many of us over to get to watch movies on this screen.  Last year he did a Ghostbuster's night just for my daughter Eleni who loves Ghostbusters.  She still does, we watched it today!
Here's a quick shot of some of the great folks who were there celebrating Trevon's birthday!  I can't say that I have anything but love and admiration for everyone in this photo.
Speaking of love, let me show you a photo of this dude cooking.  He was a very nice guy, he grills onions which were crazy good and also grills whole fresh jalapenos, yeah, I did eat three.  They were so damn good!  Pinto beans instead of refried, I go back and forth, these pinto beans may not have been as good as my cousin Lisa's, but they were solid.  Rice was fine, it was good rice.  This guy is a hard working good dude.  His food is good overall, but he is just a really nice guy.
Yeah, pastor just gets me excited.  Enough chatter, lets get down to business.
ASADA: 3, it was great, I enjoyed it, it got better the longer it sat.
POLLO: 3, this I teeter tottered as a 4.  It is really good.  Tender, wells seasoned.  Something to talk about, I mean, heck, I'm still talking about it.
PASTOR: 4, yeah, it is that good.  After it sat for a bit, it got even better, it was so well seasoned, so well cooked, the care to this meat was amazing and it melted away on your tongue with the happiness that only seasoned meat can bring.
SALSA ROJO: 4, this spicy goodness was smoky and had a little twang from a pepper and I am not sure which one.  That intrigued me!
SALSA VERDE: 3, pretty run of the mill, good, heavy lime flavor.
If you are looking for a truck for a party I recommend this guy.  He also does carnitas and I hear that it is off the chain.  I do have another truck that I recommend, email me for their info, I have to go to another party that they are at and get some photos, do some rating and do some writing.
Contact info:
Spanish: (323) 353-8303
English: (323) 240-4719
I really enjoyed chatting with him and watching him work.  Dude is a master of his craft!

Thank you again for reading.  Tonight's gratuitous goodbye photo is nothing short of awesome.  It is of the man, the myth, the legend, Trevon Kezios.  This is a photo of him heckling the captain of the boat on the Jungle Cruise at Disneyland.  Trevon not only is that guy, but he pulls it off and it is one of the many reasons that everyone who meets him loves him.  I am very thankful to have been invited to his birthday celebration.  Very Happy Birthday to an amazing dude.
Stay Excellent!

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