Saturday, July 26, 2014

Taqueria El Tapatio, Canoga Park, CA

We'll start this adventure in the back of the building.  How can you not be excited when there is a place called "the Knife Trader" in the same parking lot?  Nikki, my BFF has been telling me to go to this place for sometime now.  Her and her beautiful fiance Matt frequent it.  It is right by their house.  It is in Canoga Park just North of Sherman Way.
This place is just inviting from all angles.  It is screaming for you to come in and eat some tacos.  Nikki and Matt have been telling me about this joint.  I am sad it has taken this long to go, but it won't take this long to get back, that is a fact.
With a menu like that, how can you not want to go back?  I ordered two things that were on the menu and he snaps back that everything that is not bold they don't have.  This conversation happens in Spanish.  I look at Matt and say, "duh, should have been obvious to me."  The guy behind the counter says in English now "yeah it should."  This only made the trip better.  The guys working there were bad ass cool dudes.  I loved it.  A mild attitude with hard work.  I dig it.  If you haven't gotten the message yet, the food is legit.
Yeah, who had the huge order?  Oh yeah, that was us!  We got a ton of tacos, a burrito, damn near everything that they had!  Yes, we finished everything and I probably could have eaten more.  They have a salsa bar that I just dig.  It is perfect.  I know that sometimes I dog places for too much variety, sometimes not enough.  I just think each place should be true to itself.  This really isn't a salsa bar per say, but it kind of sort of is.  I thought it was perfect.  Jalapenos were great, radishes were fresh, limes were juicy!
Look I even got the picture blurry!

Started the evening with me trying to finish work, which I didn't until late at night on the phone and email.  We went to Matt and Nikki's house, they've had it for a while, but Nikki would not invite me over which is sad, but a fact.  Their house is fantastic.  It is really cool.  They have done some amazing things with it and it is getting better everyday.  We had an opportunity to chat, catch up, talk about their wedding which is going to be next year.  They are the type of friends that I am so lucky to have.  Their is a group of people that I am just lucky to be a part of.  Matt and Nikki are such kick ass awesome people.  I can't see enough of them.  We can always laugh in a comfortable environment, usually laced with endless teasing and jokes about Melanie Butters.  I was forced to send pictures to Melanie because she made Eleni, her goddaughter so sad.  I have said it many times, I will say it again, probably even in this blog, it doesn't matter where or what you eat, but who you get to eat it with.  I got really damn lucky last night with Nikki, Melissa, Eleni, Alexander, Matt and the Juggernaut.  Alright, lets get to it.
LENGUA: 3, this was good, but not blowing me away.  Very solid and good.  I would eat it again, I just love lengua and am always looking for something a bit unique to rate above a 3.  Melissa did love it and eat, so did Nikki!
CARNITAS: 4, this was crispy, sweet, tasty and above average goodness.  It was tender and sweet, but crispy edges and great flavor.
ASADA: 3, this was good, but very right on the line, nothing above average, nothing special, but worth eating and something that you will enjoy time and time again.
PASTOR: 3, so close to a 4.  It was a bit heavy on the clove.  I would eat it again, I originally rated it a 4.  Point being, you have to try it and decide if it gets that coveted extra point.
POLLO: 3, solid.  Very solid, very good, very tender and sweet.  They do a really nice job with it and anyone that eats it won't be disappointed.
CABEZA: 5, no doubt this was good.  Really good.  I've had some rough bouts with cabeza in the past, but lately I've hit a stride of good ones.  This might take the taco for best.  It is really good.
SALSA: 4, this is spicy, flavored, layered goodness.
BURRITO: 4, Matt ordered a burrito.  I had a few bites.  It is a pretty simple burrito, but it is crazy sick good.  It really melds the flavors together, it is great stuff and an item that should not be overlooked.  Sometimes when you are eating and driving, burritos are easier to eat, I'm just saying.
Melissa ate an entire lengua taco.  What amazes me about that, what excites me is that when we were dating about 13 years ago I took her to a taco place.  I didn't tell her that she had taken a bite of tripa and she couldn't eat!  She spit out her food and would not eat tacos for a short period because it was so "gross" and it tasted "nasty."  When she had a bit of this lengua, she ate an entire taco!  So glad that she has developed such a keen taco palate after all of these years.  I know, you are impressed by the Olaf cup on the table.  The question is, who's is it?  Mine, Matt's?  Jason's,  Melissa's?  I know it is a true mystery.
Check out a great photo of Matt taking a monster burrito bite!  He's a total pro.  Like I said earlier, it is not as much what or where you are eating, but who you are eating with.  This Tacoteering trip was awesome on all fronts.  The place was fantastic and beautiful, the tacos were out of control good this place might be a top 5!  The company was amazing.  My tolerant, patient and amazing family.  Matt and Nikki are amazing people and I'm so lucky to have them in my life and so happy that we got an evening of eating tacos.  Thanks everyone for reading, re-posting, re-tweeting, following and telling others, please keep it up!

Today's gratuitous goodbye photo is actually photos!  It is like an action shot.  The first picture is Nikki taking a taco bite.  Look at the Tacamo she looks like she if falling into with her eyes rolling to the back of her head.  The second is a semi blurry photo of Nikki eating that monster bite.  Thanks for sharing the adventure with me.
Stay Excellent!

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