Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Taco Miendo, West Los Angeles, CA

I've been reading about this place for a while.  I've passed it many times when I'm heading to Freddy's.  Right off of Pico on Gateway is Taco Miendo.  They make their own tortillas, they are supposed to have amazing food.  Let me start off, by saying I found it pricey for what you get.  Yeah, I know, I'm cheap, but I'm looking for great cheap tacos.  I only got three tacos as I didn't want to spend too much money, oh well, too late, I already did on this place.  Service was slow.  When I say slow, I'm saying, don't utilize that half hour lunch on this joint.  There are cheaper, faster tacos up the street, spoiler alert, I know that they taste better.
Menu is big.  They also had two other boards up with specials.  Lots to choose from.  Maybe a little too much for a place like this.  Too much variety is not always a good thing for the consumer.  If I were them, I'd look into that.  Wow, critical today.  I might have to walk away from this one, cool off and then write.  Here's the thing, it wasn't horrible, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't good.  No big desire to tell this story.  I didn't have anyone cool with me, I was just flying solo trying to get my piece of the taco world on this day and it fell short.  I was excited to try this place and found myself walking away sad and disappointed.  I was stuck without the satisfaction that tacos bring me.  If they are horrible, I can get fired up and go on a burn, instead we get this sad, pathetic rant.
Okay, this part was pretty cool, to look at...really?  No peppers, serrano, jalapeno, something?  No, they left me like an ugly kid at prom.  I was sitting there going from excited to let down.  The salsas were OK.  Maybe one of the reasons I'm so down is because I made an amazing salsa the other day.  No, I really think that it is just that their's were just OK.  The green sucked really bad, the reds were ehh.  While were on this subject, we'll head to the ratings.  First, a picture of the tacos how they come out:
LENGUA: 3, it was OK.  Nothing special, just tongue that was cooked.  It was not too flavorful, just something that was alright.
ADOBADA: 3, it is no RT, it is no El Farro, it is no Guisado, Los Cinco Puntos, El Indio Azteca, the list goes on and on...it is just a mediocre adobada.  Not bad, it is well seasoned, grilled nicely, it wasn't burnt, but it was not special.
ASADA: 3, BORING.  It was just boring and regular and nothing excited me about it.  It wasn't bad, but like I said, nothing exciting.
SALSA VERDE: 2, not very good, I think it might have been spoiled.
SALSA ROJO: 3, this was pretty good.  Possibly the highlight of the place for me.  Not amazing, but not bad.  Just a pretty decent salsa.  I did put it on two of the three over priced tacos.
TORTILLAS: 3, dude, if you are going to make your own tortillas and you get a 3, that is like a 2 or a 1 in the real world.  They were just not a good consistency.  They lacked a nice sweetness most places will get for you in a hand pressed tortilla.  They were good, for a place that prides themselves on making the tortillas, they should have been stellar.
The people working there were not very nice.  Maybe they feel as though they've settled for mediocrity?  Maybe they have given up on great taco experiences.  Either way, it was sad.  They did not make me feel like I should go back there, the food sure didn't do that either!  I go back and forth on if I like to dress my tacos.  It really depends on the place.  I like it at El Primo.  Works for the set up.  Here it was almost an annoyance.  The cilantro was not very fresh, the onions should have been chopped a bit finer.  The limes were juicy and fresh, so that is positive.  The pickled onions were good, I did like that and they ended up all over my tacos!  The few chips that they give you are good, the right amount and were a nice way to try the different salsas.  They do let you get pinto beans, again, found them to be a little bland.

As always, I thank you for reading, re-tweets, re-posts.  I do appreciate everyone getting the word out.  Please keep doing it.  I hope that I have saved you from a really mediocre experience.  While writing this, I've been wondering what my life would be like if I move to Iceland.  I know, not a bad option.

Today's goodbye photo has nothing to do with tacos.  This adventure was me alone, so I thought I'd show you a blurry photo of the two that helped me at that grocery store the other day.  My two younger children Eleni and the Juggernaut.  They helped me through the store and when I told them to go to the car, they ignored so I raised my voice and told them to move it.  Eleni, four years old, then shook her finger at me and told me that she was tired of my yelling and was not going to tolerate it.  It was a great reminder, I have many former and current employees, I was again taught, we all answer to someone!
Stay Excellent!

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