Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Fiesta Hut, East Rutherford, CA

New Jersey, you just did it to me again.  I just do not have much good luck with New Jersey Tacoteering.  I often at least have great company, but flew solo tonight.  Fiesta Hut has been on my hit list for a bit.  It is closed Monday's, which is why I missed it last time I was out here.  I was surprised on my experience after the fairly solid Yelp.  Be careful, be wary, that is a deceptive score my friends.  Seriously, I don't really know where to start.
Unassuming entrance here.  I think it bodes well when I see an enterance like this, I got pretty excited.  The excitement ended pretty shortly once I got in there.  I stood there for a good five minutes before anyone greeted me and then they told me to sit wherever I wanted to.  I took the only small table left in the restaurant and waited for a while before anyone came over.  They came by, dropped off some chips and salsa and the lady walked away.  Eight minutes later she came by and asked if I wanted anything to drink.  I ordered a water no ice.  That took another 4 minutes to get.  She walked by my table about 5 times over the next 15 minutes until she took my order.  Wow, I felt like they wanted me in there.
I had a lot of time to look at this bad boy.  I was taken back at how pricey it was for the place.  It had horrific ambiance.  No music was playing and the acoustics were an abomination.  I could hear everything every table was discussing.  The couple behind me was talking about their daughter and the extreme hatred for her boyfriend and her work decisions.  The mother and daughter a few tables over were arguing because the daughter believes that unemployment is great because she could go six months without working if her company fires her.  Her mom did not agree.  There was a family of five a few more tables away that were all on their phones and when they did talk it was all small talk referring to the normal family conversations that no one else should be a part of.  The table in the back corner was discussing how both couples were enjoying time away from their kids and how they need to get out like that more often.  The other table had a son cursing at his parents, teenager, and it was just downright sad to listen to.  There was absolutely no privacy.  It really took away from the horrible meal, but sadly, not enough.

I went off of what she reccomended for a first timer to make me want to come back again tomorrow night or Friday night.  BIG MISTAKE
CHEESE ENCHILADA: 3, this was by far the best part.  It was creamy, cheesy.  The sauce was OK, but from a can.  The cheese tasted like American Cheese extra Melt.
PORK TOSTADA: 1, this might have been the worst "pork" I've had in sometime.  I love cinnamon.  If you've had my Mexican food, I often utilize cinnamon.  Especially in my beans, but they just doused this pork with it.  There was no balance.  If not for that, it might have been OK?
CHICKEN TACO: 1, first off, I ordered a corn, soft taco.  I got lettuce, cheese and boiled chicken in a fried shell.  Bummer!  It had zero flavor.  I love boiled chicken.  I usually make my chicken tacos with it, but it has flavor.  They boiled it in water, no seasoning, no citrus, nothing.  It was boring meat.  YUCKY!
BEANS: 1, no flavor, nasty, overcooked.  TO THE BITE PEOPLE!  You cooked the flavor out of it.
RICE: 1, how hard is it to follow the instructions on the box?  Really?  It was not good, lacked flavor and was strangely sticky.
TABLE SALSA: 1, this was just despicable.  The first bowl I had was crazy spicy, thought it had promise.  I asked for a second bowl, it just did not have the balance it should.  The second bowl was crazy mild, "same salsa" but tasted like ketchup.  That just made me want to gag.  DISGUSTING!!!
Doesn't even look really appetizing.  Service did not save this experience either.  Did I finish the meal?  NO WAY!  I felt like I needed to vomit, but didn't eat that much, it was not tasty, not good and not acceptable.  The menu states "Authentic Mexican Food."  Let me reiterate, they lied.

I'm sorry for all the caps and yelling in this blog, but this was about as bad of an experience as I've had.  I really miss CA.  I'm hoping that this trip can bring some redemption to my palate which is sad and hurting tonight.  I don't go to DC until Saturday morning, but am apprehensive about Tacoteering until I leave the NY/NJ area after tonight, it was that disappointing.  Oh, and to put salt in the womb, that cost $17!!!  Yeah, I had to pay $17 to have that poor of an experience.

Thank you for reading, re-posting, re-tweeting and eating tacos.  I hope that everyone has better taco experiences tonight and tomorrow than I did.  Be careful friends, there are bad tacos out there still...

Tonight's gratuitous photo is of some flowers I saw on my way to the rental car.  They were pretty and that made my beard and I happy and gave us something sweet to focus on.
Stay Excellent.

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