Sunday, August 10, 2014

Taco ethnography: North African tacos at Los Originales Tacos Arabes de Puebla; Chef Farid Zadi

This was just the site.  This is not where we ate.  I mean, I wanted to, but we were there to eat Chef Zadi's master creation.  He was making North African Tacos and the brave Tacoteers that were with me had to try.  Mike, Dara and Charlotte Phillips, Nikki D, Melissa, Alexander, Eleni and the Juggernaut went down to Boyle Heights and had to see what these flavors were all about.  We were delighted not just by the tacos, but by the overwhelming amazing personality of a great guy, Chef Zadi.  If you are not following this guy on Twitter, it's time to start.  He sets up camp all around LA and delights palates with unparalleled flavors and original cooking treats.  When we found out he was doing tacos, there was no resisting.  We were introduced to flavors that were different then we were use to but so delectable.  One of the great things about Tacoteering is how I get the opportunity to try so many different styles, flavors and things in so many places.  The thing that makes that even better, like I've said many times is the people I get to do it with.
It matters more who you are eating with than what or where you are eating.  This adventure was a huge win on all three fronts!  Especially the who part!!!  Eleni is a bit too much like her father and did not want to be in the photo.  She was standing behind me rubbing my back as I took this photo of everyone.  No, we were not near or in a prison, just in the beautiful Boyle Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles in East LA.  It is great to see these smiling happy taco full faces.  I again must say that I'm lucky to have such amazing friends with me.  Mike and Nikki are two of my oldest and closest friends and everyone in this photo represents what a great family I get to be a part of.  The enthusiasm that we all have doing things together is great.  We all just really have fun together and enjoy all the adventures we get to go on, whether it is volunteering at the church for festival, going to a party at someone's house or a late night Tacoteering adventure in East LA.
Chef Zadi is a master of his craft.  He was working the line, telling people what the tacos were all about and where they came from.  He was in full teacher mode and it was great that he also had his wife and two kids there.  They were helping, working and having fun.  Seeing families that are together like that is so cool.  I loved seeing them all gathered around.  The chef was working his pans, seasoning his meat and making sure that everything was served correctly.
As busy as he was, he took the time to talk to Alexander and all of us.  He shared his passion, his vision, his knowledge and his taco genius with all of us.  He was telling Alexander about where he grew up, where his family is from and how he is able to bring so many flavors and cultures together all on one plate.  It was such an amazing experience for all of us, especially these young, growing, impressionable minds.  All three of my kids, including the stand-offish younger ones gave him three hugs and a kiss before we left because he was so warm, inviting and wonderful to everyone.  It really was a treat and the icing on the cake for a great Tacoteering adventure.

CAULIFLOWER: 3, I know you are thinking it would be higher, but it was good.  It did not blow my tongue away with uniqueness.  I am a big cauliflower fan, so I was excited to try his cauliflower version.  For sure not bad, for sure I'd love to eat it again, but not unique enough to gain a higher rating from me.
POLLO: 5, is this my first pollo 5?  It was really good.  Flavors that I'm not familiar with, tenderness that was unmatched.  Really impressed me the way that it looked, tasted, smelled and how it all came together.
LAMB: 5, yeah, I liked it that much.  Melissa liked it, but did not love it like I did.  I really felt like he just harnessed in so many unique flavors and shot them onto taco excellence.  There was a hint of almost gaminess and that just made it even better, raw good flavors that were not overdone, but not spices were not underutilized.
SHAKSHOUKA: 5, I'll be totally honest, I did not know how to rate this.  I had not heard of it, tried it or know anything about it until I read this article about his set-up for tonight.  Shakshouka is a spiced pepper, tomato, egg and onion mixture.  It sounds so basic, easy and normal, but it was something special.  We all really enjoyed this.  It was tasty and fun.  It was so unique to my regular Tacoteering and I'm so glad I am now acquainted with it.
SALSAS/SAUCES: 5, this is a slam dunk 5.  The avocado sauce was thick and different with a nice sweet flavor.  His mild sauces were both balanced with a delicious, rich explosion of flavor.  His two spicy salsa were super duper good.  His orange habanero is one of the three best salsas I've ever eaten and I kept running back for more.  It was hot.  Super, spicy hot and so damn delicious!
Yeah, that is a spread!  Great looking food.  They really packed those tortillas with meat.  They also were using a really nice sweet corn tortilla.  The texture on it was amazing.  The variety of sauces and salsas were most excellent.  We had to try a bit of everything of course and I was impressed that Alexander ate and tried everything.  Who knew we are all such fans of shakshouka?  Yeah, I know, didn't know I loved this stuff so much!  Creative flavors, passion, talent.  Chef brought it all together.  There was some delightful marinated cucumbers, freshly chopped cilantro, hand chopped diced onions and an unbelievable, tasty slaw!  It was not toppings for your tacos, it was a necessary supplement to a great meal!

Thank you everyone for reading.  Thanks for the follows, re-posts, re-tweets and sending to your friends and families!  Don't forget to find me on Twitter and Instagram, both are just Order of the Taco!

If you are looking for Chef Zadi, check out his website at  Hunt him out, eat his food, support a master of his craft!  He sets up around LA, find him, it is a great date night or family outing that is something a little different then just going out to dinner or to some crazy big venue.  It's a casual fun time and if you are crazy enough not to be obsessed with tacos, he does all sorts of foods on different weekends and at different times.

Today's goodbye, gratuitous photo is Alexander and the Chef.  He spent a great deal of time speaking with and joking with him and I know it was an unbeatable experience for Alexander.  Great thank you to Chef Zadi!
Stay Excellent!

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