Tuesday, December 3, 2013

From the Beginning...Olvera Street

What makes a story great?  What really grasps your attention?  In my humble opinion, it's the beginning.  It is how it is started out.  Just like when we meet someone and we decide whether or not we like them, the story has to start strong.  I don't know if this is going to be a strong start, but here is the beginning of Tacoteering.  The next few posts will hopefully illustrate not just how we started, but how everything led to a great trip in San Diego and all that happened along that journey, thanks for reading.
I know, two strapping young lads.  Good friends from back then, nothing has changed.  My large head, yes, I'm the darker haired one, is blocking the sign for Olvera Street.  Olvera street is where many say Los Angeles started.  No, we were not the ones who founded Olvera Street, but we went as children and ate tacos.  I'm told that this day was to purchase a top for a baptismal cake for Chris's younger sister Melissa Chan.  Introduction time, I'm the guy in all black, the guy next to me is Christopher Randall.  He's big Chris, I'm little Chris.  We are close in age, but he is older.  He is a friend who I've been lucky enough to always have.  We've been eating tamales and tacos since we were quite young, as you can see.  He is an original member and has gone on each of our Great Excursions.  We have been through about everything together as friends, I value his opinion and thoughts as much as anyone.

Here are some pictures of them:
Pandy and Dave, Big Chris's parents, they are so awesome.
Marie and Peter, my parents, they are pretty excellent.
What brought us to doing these excursions?  Just our appreciation for friendship and excellence.  We are lucky enough to have great families that enjoyed doing things together, whether it was a large group going to Lake Tahoe for a week, getting together at a house for a weekend party or just heading out somewhere like this day so that no one had to endure the tedious or big things in life alone.  Great example from our parents, Pandora/Dave Randall and Marie/Peter ZaferisWe have worked the Valley Greek Festival for years together, here is Chris and I with two other members of the order last year.
So yeah, we try to all do as many things together as possible.  I hear some folks that think it is all crazy.  We are busy, we have lives, jobs, responsibilities, but we all enjoy each other's company.  Last weekend, we had a party the night before the trip and a few member were all there and we were hanging out.  Here is a picture of double trouble.  Double Christopher, Double Michael.  Chris and I are the two that look like us, the other two are Mike and Mike.  Mike is one of my closest friends, you've seen his picture, you know he's Jason's Nouno.  The other guys is Alexander's Nouno and my cousin Michael.  Very lucky to have them in our lives.
Why the various pictures?  Here's why, it is to paint the picture that we all do things together for the fun.  For the thrill of it all.  Do we have tacos every time?  Yeah, pretty much.  So here's how it began.  Friendship, love for tacos.  Its not a glamorous story, it is ours and dammit, I think its perfect.  We have so many adventures, so many stories, we all just want to hang out, do things together and we love getting tacos.  Our adventures are written about because we never know what is going to happen.  San Diego was a crazy trip.  It took us through different areas, familiar, but different.  It led us to some craziness.  Unexpected great times.  In the end, it was about who we were with more then anything else.  I'm really lucky to be able to write about these stories and share the great adventures that we have.  We have no script, no high budget, just plain old fashion fun.  I hope this gives a slightly better history for you about where Tacoteering comes from.  Thanks for your time, please enjoy reading and Stay Excellent...
From left to right:  Big Chris (Randall), Little Chris (Me), Jeremy Phillips (Mike's Brother), Paul Zaferis (my brother), Mike Phillips (Jason's Nouno)

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