Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Great San Diego Crawl of 2013 Part 2

Welcome to part 2.  Well, where were we, ahh, yes, we were at Tacos el Gordo in Chula Vista.  So what happened?  Well, some good eating as I said:
Yum, yum gimme some!  My mouth is watering just looking at this food again.  I mean, the picture does it no justice.

So what went down at Tacos el Gordo while we were eating?  It started with James.  Yes, James.  I don't know how, but he found a very broken chair and tried to use it in mid air.
He took the chair on a tour and we found it quite entertaining.  We also lost Mark.  Where was he?  Well, he was in line.  He was in line long after we had all ordered, paid and eaten.  Mark Chan and his camera were waiting for food for much longer then anyone in the history of this restaurant.  If you look closely, Mark is in the bottom of this picture finally eating as Mike stares at him judging.
I can't tell you how proud we all were seeing Mark finally get up to the front to order like a big boy.  He did really great.

After Mark finished eating, James was done playing with his chair and we all gazed upon the beautiful cones of meat, we went back out to the cars.  We jumped in ready to head North to San Diego.  The Chula Vista chapter is closed.  How will the rest go?  According to plan?  Will there be a stop at a church like last trip?  Are we going to see some crazy guy sweeping the sidewalk with his hands?  The answer is no, but there is many more things to happen, so lets get into what really did go down.

Our next stop is Tacos el Rey.  We were pretty psyched about this place.  It moved not long ago so many people thought that it was closed down.  I called to make sure and was ready to roll.  This was supposed to be our most expensive spot.  We were all ready to go.  We were all ready to enjoy more tacos.  Truth be told I was super hungry.  I was pacing myself and by the time we were heading this way, I was really ready to eat.  We walk up to find that the place decided, even though they told me they were going to be open, closed for the Holiday weekend.  This did not sit well with me.  I was pretty damn furious.  I run restaurants, you can't just close!  As an operator and a guest, I was really not happy, can you tell yet???

We were deciding what to do when we looked on the sidewalk and saw a little garden that clearly belongs to the restaurant.  It was full of many things, tomatoes, mint, sage, cilantro, peppers, dog piss.  Yeah, I said it, dogs piss on their vegetables.  Don't eat their dog pee-pee vegetables.

Where do we go from here?  Our first curve ball.  Wait, what's that Bucky?  What did you say Mike?
Yes, Andrew is confused by this idea that they have.  I'm good with it.  It is some place a few blocks up.  Great tacos, or were they?  No one that had been there had ever been there during the day, it was always 1 am or earlier in the morning, so how accurate was the judgement?  Next thing we know, we are there.
Part 3 will talk about what happened when we got there, but lets talk about these tacos.  Pretty good.  Pretty much, yes, I would go there again.  Cabeza was a 4.  Salsas were good.  They are a little slow on the service, but they are making the stuff for you right then and it was great.  Mike braved the line as we were distracted with many other things.
What are they conspiring about?  What is going on here?  Yes, that is for the next blog.  They are outside the taqueria plotting, scheming, not really knowing what is about to happen.  A few twists and turns are about to hit us all.  Does Chris think its a good idea?
He does, yes, I think he does.  So, the next blog is coming later, it will explain this:
What is Brandon doing?  I don't get it?  Where are we?  Why are my socks so awesome?

Thanks for reading, Part 3 coming soon, Stay Excellent.

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