Saturday, December 14, 2013

Paco's Tacos, Near LAX

Yeah, I know, you've seen this place too.  I've driven by a bunch of times never gone in.  We were going to go to old faithful El Tarasco but opted for something new.  Somewhere I have not written about.  So, I went here, to Paco's.  HUGE mistake.  This place, well, yeah, it sucks.  I don't know how they were as busy as they were, and they were not that busy.

Here's the good.  They make their own tortillas, that is cool and they are delicious.  I did not have a drink, but the bar looked pretty cool and the drinks looked good.  The company was nice.  My dad was with me and we got sometime to chat and enjoy some one on one time.
As for the rest of the story, well, lets just jump into the ratings:
CHIPS: 2, they were just not very good.  Tasted like they came out of an old bag from Vons.
SALSA: 3, not bad, what you would expect.  They just get a little seasoning happy.  I love a twist on flavors.  They add clove.  That is cool, but too much clove, not cool, too bad dude, you could have been a 4.
TORTILLA: 4, they were good.  They were not amazing.  Amazing is many other places I've been to, but they were above average.  I think that they handle the dough a little too much and it caused them to be a little less fluffy then they could have been, but they were still above average.
ASADA: 1, this might have been the worse asada I've ever tasted.  It was horrid.  Really, really, really horrid.  Tough, chewy, no flavor, nasty.
PASTOR: 2, eww.  Yeah, that is my description.  Way too much aciote, too much clove and too much seasoning in general.  Again overcooked.  Don't eat it.
HARD SHELL BEEF TACO: 3, this is one of the things that they are known for.  Well, I'm sad to taste that.  It was ok.  Typical three.  Not great, not bad, not much of anything that I'm thinking about ever again in my life.
CHILI RELLENO BURRITO: 2, if you don't know, I'm a huge relleno burrito fan.  I love them.  This thing was full of broth, celery and more celery.  The pepper was not cooked correctly and the inside was not good.  They screwed up a huge favorite of mine.  Come on people, you can do better, I would think.
So there is the burrito and the taco, yeah, you can see all of the celery.  Plenty of cheap cheese that they try to mask their flavorless food under.  NOT FOOLED.  Here is the skinny on the place, it is super pricey.  You are going to drop some bucks in this joint and the service is horrible.  It might be one of the places you can go for the worst service imaginable.  They were slow, unattentive and down right rude.  While taking our order, another waiter walked up to ours, handed him someone else's check and he didn't say anything to us, walked away, processed then came back to us and asked if we wanted anything else.  Yeah, not a fan.  I love the way that they couldn't refill chips or salsa without us flagging people down over and over.  NOT IMPRESSED.

The food is all over seasoned.  They love clove and cinnamon.  They are fans of aciote.  They just drench cheap product in seasoning and spices and think that the consumer will be fooled.  We did not go rogue here.  We ordered a hard shell taco (supposedly one of the things that put them on the map), Paco's Burrito (chili relleno) and Paco's Plate.  The beans are just ok, the rice is junk.  Yeah, junk.  It is just not very tasty.  Use broth, fake broth instead of tap water?  I don't know, but they need to figure this out.  This place has been around so long, maybe it's resting on its laurels.  I can assure you I will try to avoid even driving by.  I really was just disappointed all the way around.  This is Paco's Plate:
So this turned into a burn.  Me just burning away on some place.  I do apologize that these just happen.  It was just junk.  The plus side is that I got to spend a bit of time hanging with just my dad.  It was fun to be with him.  I'm sorry that I feel like we got ripped off, I'm sorry that we had to endure that horrible meal.  I'm glad that you folks too the time to read.  I'm glad that I got to take my Order of the Taco tattoo tacoteering. Here is the link to their website in case you are bored:
This is my dad, in case you didn't know him:
I appreciate everyone who read and took the time to hear about this experience.  Please tell your friends to follow, I'm going to start getting some Order of the Taco gear going soon.  Party on everyone and Stay Excellent.

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