Tuesday, December 31, 2013

El Bronco Taqueria, Culver City, CA

I've passed by this place for years.  Yes, years.  It is on the corner of Hauser and Venice.  The little shopping center is kind of ghetto.  Perfect.  Part of it is closed, but not?  Yeah, don't be scared off, it is worth stopping by.  So I finally broke down today.  I bought a car.  No, Dolly is not retiring, but I do need a car sometimes, so I got an Impala.  It is a used 2013, has some miles on her, but I dig it.  I think that it fits me if I have to be in a car and it is not the Red Dragon Van that Melissa is normally driving.  This all day process led us to lunch in the area, obviously we were in Culver City.  I wore out that dealership and negotiated all day.  Alexander spent the whole day with Papou and I.  I did leave to go to work for a bit and came back.  I sent a bunch of work emails, had work calls coming through and everything.  It was great to help bargain.  I am very fortunate to have a great job and work for the great folks that I do.  I mean, I work a lot and I work hard, but I do love the people that I work for and with, especially my Shirley, Ramon.  Anyways, I digress, the car is a good fit, got a great deal.  Alexander and Eleni really like it, Juggernaut is a huge fan and just wants to play in it and probably break it.
So that is the new car.  It is charcoal on the outside and dark leather on the inside.  Yes, that is a Honda license plate rim.  We drove around Culver City in the Prius while we were waiting for them to wrap up paperwork and when we drove in front of El Bronco, I knew that was where we were meant to go.  Great call, again our Taco Destiny brought us to the right place.  Not what I expected in there, but it was perfect for the day.  We ordered a great spread for Alexander and I, Papou stuck with a Chili Verde burrito with cheese only like he normally gets from places that have them.  

This place did not disappoint.  By no means is the place amazing or somewhere that I will go out of to be a regular stop, but it is worth going to.  Very worth going to.  

SALSA: 3, good, not great.  It was solid.  You get a basket of chips and a cup salsa when you order.  Good stuff.  Really nice that they give this stuff to you when you walk in.  I think it is a good touch, the salsa has some spice, but not too much, in my opinion, barely enough.
CHILI VERDE: 4, Papou liked his burrito, I did get a chili verde taco for me and one for Alexander and we both loved them.  Very good.  Nice rounded flavors, sauce was cooked down, I was very pleasantly surprised.  
PASTOR: 2, probably would have been a three, but this was way overcooked.  Made it too hard and just not very tasty.  It was probably the saddest part of this journey.
LENGUA: 4, Alexander and I both liked it.  Nicely cooked, very good stuff.  It was not best ever, but it was good.  I would order again next time if I go back in.
BARBACOA: 2, yucky.  It was just not very good.  Flavors were not melding together correctly.  The seasoning was off, so was the cooking.  It was all just off.
ASADA: 4, yes, it happens, a four on asada.  It was very good.  Flavors were good and it was not overcooked.  It was really nice, tender and flavorful.  Might have been the nicest thing that I ate. 
Best part of the trip was the people.  Not just the two that I brought with me, who are both amazing family members and two of my best friends, but the folks that work there.  They were so nice, so great to everyone who walked in there.  They were just downright good people and I'm really happy that I went there and got to meet them and eat there.  
Yes, that is my young Tacoteer in training again, Alexander.  The people were nice, the table set up was cool, salt, oregano, red pepper flakes, Tapatio.  Nothing else was needed.  Very cool.  Obviously, my favorite part of the trip was being with Alexander and his Papou.  Thanks to all for the re-tweets, re-posts and referrals to the Order, really appreciate it and we are looking forward to a phenomenal New Year!

Happy New Years all, Stay Excellent!

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