Saturday, July 27, 2013

Cemitas Poblano, (Truck)

Still trying to figure out the best way to hunt down these moving magicians.  Anyhow, Cemitas Poblano was in Culver and I was headed to the office.  Taco Destiny?  Ummm, yeah!  Dolly and I pulled up, nice crowd for 11am on a Friday.  Smells were good, menu was pretty extensive for a truck.  I enjoyed seeing them work in there.   Truck was clean and appealed to the folks that are in the area and looking for an option.  End of the day, it was a "pretty truck."

I do all that I can to not hold this against them.  Truck holds great variety and was quick on the draw.  Not many pepper options, I mean with the name?  Then, their sandwich options?  Come on, if you name your truck after a famous sandwich and a famous pepper, deliver dude!

The rant is over, for now...Ratings are going to have a twist.  I'm rating each item except for one.  That last one is going on its own paragraph.  I'm warning you, because it is time for a rant.  It is time to talk about this.  There is an issue in Los Angeles, we are going to begin to address it.

Asada: 2, Seriously Culver City?  What is with the salt?   I need to taste the meat.  Salt is an enhancement, not the only thing you put on there.  Stop soaking pre and post cook on your meat, you are embarrassing yourself.
Lengua: 4, Nicely done.  Buttery, soft, palatable.  This is one of my favorite meats when done right.  Sadly there really were no more meat options, I enjoyed this so much, I would have like to see what else they could have done.
Salsa: 4, It was not that the salsas were that good, but they paired them with the right meats.  Thank you.  Cilantro, onions and the correct salsa for each meat is what goes on your taco.  I'm very glad to see someone do this right.

The last thing that I had was Pastor.  It receives a 1.  It sucked more then a drunk cheerleader at prom.  I was so disappointed.  I was going to go on my rant but have decided that a separate blog is necessary to address this crisis.

Thanks for reading, see you on the flip.  Stay Excellent readers!

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