Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Princess Pub & Grille, San Diego

Ok, this is not going to be a "typical" or regular blog spot.  Every so often, you have to do the right thing, so I did.  I'll start with the story, then get to the tacos.  Sometimes a taco's adventure can lead to its greatness, but that is a whole other discussion that we can tackle on another day...

I was staying on PCH in San Diego last night by the airport because I had an early morning meeting there for a new restaurant that we will be opening in the Southwest terminal.  I got in late after a ridiculous traffic ridden drive, I was stuck in a car, didn't have my beloved Dolly.  Anyways, my room was supposed to be paid for by the company that I work instead, I end up forking over the cash only to find out that it was an error on the hotel's part.  I had a parking spot in the filled lot, so knew that driving was not an option at this point for dinner.  I asked where a great place to eat that was walking distance.  They told me that my only option was Italian.  I thought, not a bad choice.  San Diego's Little Italy was two blocks up the hill and there was a ton of great joints for pizza, pasta and anything from their delicious cuisine.  As I began my short trek up the hill, my mood changed.  I realized that the day was coming to an end, I didn't have anything more then dinner and a few emails left on my list for the day.  I thought, WWTB?  If you are not familiar with the bracelet I should be wearing, it bodes the question, Where Would Tacos Be.  I know, I'm in Little Italy, but where some see road blocks, others see solutions.  My mind came clear and I realized, IT'S TUESDAY!  I knew that if I walked far enough, someone would be doing a Taco Tuesday.  Well, my hunch was correct.  A few blocks in, still in Little Italy, I found an Irish Pub with a huge A-frame sign that read Taco Tuesday.  I knew dinner had found me.

Here's the scoop, the decor is pretty typical, pretty cool.  I put the website below if you are bored.  The bartender was pretty good, attentive, knew the menu, handled the crowd well.  I played coy, asked about different things, we all knew what I was there for.  I mean, come on, I write The Order of the Taco Blog!  There are four options on the menu.  Chicken, Lamb, Fish (grilled or fried), Corned Beef.  Tough call, I know.  I asked, I pondered, I looked around.  For $6 you get two tacos, have to be the same kind.  I have no issue with this.  Barkeep points me towards the fish, which was already a shoe in.  I then had to deliberate, I'm in an Irish Pub, have to go with the corned beef.  Then, instinct took over, I'm no Greek god, but I sure am a god damn Greek, I went for the lamb.

I expected small, worthless tacos.  I had no doubt on what they were going to look like.  I mean come on, there was Cholula on the table!  No Tapatio or Valentino's in miles from this joint.  As with my wife's view of me, low expectations led to pretty solid results.  With this being a one off from the normal blog, I'm not going to give the normal ratings of stay away to run your ass over there and get some.

Tacos are huge.  I mean, they are really huge.  You get an option for corn or flour, no matter what your protien choice turns out to be.  The fish is Cod and can come grilled or fried.  I had the grilled and thought that it was great.  Meaty, and tender.  Very delicious.  The salsas that were served with them sucked.  They might have been two of the worst salsas that I've had to eat in some time.  I was sad for them when I had the salsa.  The slaw that they put on top was solid.  Not to thick and overpowering, sure didn't taste like it was a mayo pile of goop.  Lamb was a great call.  It comes with a white sauce that resembles Tzatziki.  I really dug the sauce.  It was good, garlicky but sure did not overpower, just complimented the meat.  Full of great roasted lamb.  I mean, lamb and tortilla is about as natural as a relationship as I can think of.

Here's the long and short, go for the tacos, don't eat the salsa.  It seriously would not even have deserved the "1" that I would have given it.  If you are by Princess Pub, thank them for Taco Tuesday and check them out, the nachos looked pretty stellar.  Thanks everyone for reading, please tell your friends and let me know if there is a place I need to check out, it will go on the list and I'll let you know how it goes!

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