Friday, August 16, 2013


This will be updated and re-posted when necessary. 

Order of the Taco: an elite group of keenly palleted individuals who do the hard work so you know where to get tacos, I'm the guy who finds, records and writes about these findings
Tacographic Memory: the memory of great tacos and great taco experiences
Taco-off: when people come together to put one taco against another and someone with the right palate is judging
Tacoteering:  adventures in tacos and taco excursions
Tacoteer: the individuals who brave themselves by trying out new, possibly questionable places with no fear to make your taco experiences better
Taco Destiny: the way that tacos draw me towards them;  the belief that I can find tacos anywhere and conquer them
Tacoversation:  A conversation with someone about tacos.
Taquecoma:  The relaxed sleep and or feeling of serenity that is induced from eating a lot of tacos.
Happiness: enjoying great tacos with great people
Stay Excellent: a sign off I've used personally and in business for many, many years,  it is my thank you and well wishes for reading the adventures in Tacoteering from The Order of the Taco
Thanks all, I'll update when needed.  Please do tell your friends,  enemies and everyone you can.  Stay Excellent!

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