Sunday, August 11, 2013

My Taco/Dusty's, Garvanza, CA

Have you ever eaten tacos out of a tree?  Yeah, we have a high level of commitment, and we're not afraid to show it.  So what was to be our last stop of the day yesterday was My Taco.  It is in Garvanza, CA.  I have to be honest, I didn't know who, what or where Garvanza was until we got there.  High expectations for this place.  We went in and ordered some tacos.  The chick working behind the counter all but asks us to leave.  She was not very happy having the eight of us come in.  Are we big loud dudes, um yeah, you've seen our pictures.  We were there on official business and would have appreciated some better treatment, especially with all the food that we were ordering!  We had lamb tacos, potato tacos and pastor tacos.  If she couldn't see our taco passion, she was blind.  I mean really blind.  I was quite excited by their salsa bar.  It was pretty and they had fried jalapenos on there, score...

Needless to say, we went outside and waited for our food.  Waiting outside led to loud talking, pretty obnoxious behavior and of course they had one of those claw machines and as a team, we were determined to win something.  Twenty something dollars later Paul was the winner.  It was a sweet victory and Buck, his Boston Terrier, loved the blue elephant that Paul brought to him.

When our food arrived, we were told that they didn't have enough room for us, which was only kind of true and told us that they packed our food to go.  We got the message, we got it loud and clear.  Good news, they got our message too!  We took over the tree/bush that they had in front of the restaurant and started to attack.

The pastor was great on the first bite, but sucked after that.  I mean this was pastor crisis bad.  This thing was loaded with cloves.  It really tasted like clove and pepper.  I've said this many times before and am sad that I know I will have to say it again, if you don't know how to make pastor, then DON'T!  Their potato tacos were not very good.  And by not very good, they sucked.  They mix some mashed potato with tomato sauce and hope you won't notice.  Sorry, refined pallet here, they suck.  Their salsa were solid.  Very nice job on the salsa bar and having the salsa.  The lamb tacos were good.  Damn good.  It is worth going to try them.  They had a very Greek lamb flavor which sat just fine with us.

As we are eating, one of our esteemed members goes inside the restaurant and realizes that the entire dining room and staff are staring at us attack food that is in a bush.  I almost went in and asked them to tip me.  I mean come on, they got a free show at lunch.  We did enjoy the jokes we were able to make eating in the bush.

As we left, we stopped into Dusty's Bar and Grill.  This place was a treat.  Regulars in the bar, and I don't think anyone except for regulars go in there began making comments.  As we are entering, they start talking about how "big money" was walking in the door and how happy Dusty would be.    The bartender responded saying "I just hope they're not cops."  We ordered our beers, started watching the Dodgers beat down another team, played a little bit of pool and asked the bartender to take a picture.  As she's taking it one of the regulars throws out this smart ass comment about why we would take a picture at Dusty's and wanted to know what were celebrating.  I told him that we were celebrating me being released from prison.  It was amazing how many less comments were made after that!  I got a couple of high fives and they were really cool after that.  I'd recommend Dusty's if you find yourself in Garvanza.  Nice joint, dim lights, great bartender.

Thanks for reading, keep following and tell your friends!  Stay Excellent.

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