Thursday, August 29, 2013

Taqueria Cuernavaca, Ventura, CA

I know, the menu looks solid.  So, my dad and I are helping my brother, who is single ladies, oh, did I mention his name is Doctor Uncle Paul?  He has a great place, walking distance from the beach in Ventura, CA.  He is a doctor of physical therapy.  He is great with kids, my three kids love Doctor Uncle Paul, he loves dogs, Buck is his dog who goes everywhere with him, except for work.  Anyways, shoot me a message, I'll guide you single ladies towards him.  Oh yeah, the tacos.  We are helping Paul move into his great new place.  We decide we are going to do some quick tacoteering.  They stay back to get the place set, I run to a joint I've been to a couple of times.  I've loved the food.  This place had the potential to be a staple for me.  As I'm sure you're all tired of hearing, I'm in the restaurant industry.  We know that we are only as good as our last shift.  We can have years of success, but a bad visit or two is detrimental to our existence.  I'm often reminded we are one bad yelp review away from being an empty restaurant.

This is Paul, Buck and my son Alexander.  Told you he is good with kids...

Here he is dressed as Robin, what a sense of adventure...

This is him celebrating Easter last year with the family.  He is in the blue shirt next to me.  PJ is with us.  We are so happy to be together.  Paul is again showboating his great family values...

Like I said ladies, he is successful and single.  Message me for more information about him!

Back to Tacoteering:

I normally have a great time at Taqueria Cuernavaca.  This visit hurt.  It hurt my soul.  It has taken me a few days to write this as I've struggled with what to say.  I have to write about my last visit.  Not the good times that I've enjoyed.  Start off, that they are rude.  They have been every time.  Food took forever, that is normal.  I got overcharged, they never fixed it, yeah, I'm frustrated.  Come on, win me over with the taco delightfulness.  This did not happen.  I'll start by saying everything was dry.  Salsa bar is still on point and pretty darn good.
SALSA BAR: 3, solid.  The green avocado salsa is their best by far, giving it a 4.  Their orange is a solid 3, their Jalapeno is a 2.
PASTOR: 2, um, you normally have it coming off the cone!  This stuff was dry and not off the cone.  Your cone was empty!  Why are you wasting this genius, wonderful piece of equipment?
CHULETA: 1, if you like to eat shoe, you might like this.  It was tough and horrid.  It tasted old and was chewy.  I can't say enough bad things, normally pretty delicious.
LENGUA: 4, I will say that this was pretty yummy. Flavorful, buttery, nicely cooked.  This was by far the highlight of the trip.
CECINA: 2, I am a huge cecina fan.  I love this stuff.  I mean it is an Asada alternative that just diversifies the meat a bit, at least when it is done right.  Way overcooked and dried out.
ASADA: 2, Eww.  Let me repeat eww.  Horrible...

Here's the deal.  I think that everything is just sitting under heat lamps for extended periods of time.  I mean, really long times.  It is unacceptable.  They know how to cook, they are too focused on being a factory.  Please don't rest on your taco laurels, strive for taco greatness.  I will not be returning for a very long time, if ever.  I'll just have to find other places to go.  This is sad, you are conveniently located and I use to like going.  I write this with a tear falling from my eye.

Thanks everyone for reading.  I do appreciate it.  We are starting to get a strong following.  I love the momentum.  Please help me keep this momentum going.  Retweet, share, whatever you can do is appreciated.  We are also looking for someone to help design a logo for us.  Email me if you have some thoughts.  I'm going to make some T-Shirts.  Thanks again, Stay Excellent Everyone.

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