Sunday, August 11, 2013

El Atacor #1

El Atacor, what a treat.  So we had planned on going to the original which is at 3520 Figueroa.  On our way, we pulled over to at another location of theirs, listed as #11.  When we walked in, the girl lied to us and told us that they were out of their famous potato tacos.  We left the place and got back into our cars to head to the planned original location.  As we are sitting in the cars, we got stuck.  Stuck staring at a very strange interaction between two people.  A man drops to his knee as if he was proposing.  She leaned down and kissed his head.  He then began to use his hand to sweep the ground, or was he looking for something.  I'm going to tell you, I really don't know what this dude was doing.  We had to wonder, was he proposing, apologizing for sleeping with her sister, did he just feel the need to talk to her when on his knee, was he really upset with how dirty the sidewalk was and wanted to clean it with his hand for her?  Seriously it was impossible for us to look away.  We spent 9 minutes watching this couple.  As if it couldn't get any more strange this dog's head pops out of her over-sized purse.  It was just weird.  We finally drove off, but we couldn't stop talking about this for the rest of the day.  Shame on us for not taking any pictures of this.

We drove down the road to the restaurant, went in and ordered 8 taco de papas and two tacos with pastor for us to share all of this.  Our bill was $8.71.  I really was pretty sure that they did not charge us correctly.  The food was FANTASTIC.  The Pastor was on point.  Nice flavor, some spice to it.  I really enjoyed it.  Their salsas were great.  Nice flavor, great texture.  These tacos de papas were stellar.  They were one of the best things that we ate the entire day.  We went and ordered another round of the same thing so that we could be sure that everything tasted as good as we thought.  Much to my surprise, $8.71.  Place is legit.  If I had to do this one over again, I'm saying if I could go back in taco time, I'd order the plate of taco de papas and sprinkle the pastor meat over them for ridiculous, delicious bites.  I will be going back, and that is going to happen to my mouth.

The pictures above are a clear illustration of the hard work and dedication the Order has to let you know where to go and where not to go.
Go check this place out if you are North of downtown LA, totally worth it!  Thanks for reading, I'll catch ya soon!  Stay Excellent!!!

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